Younes Kaboul has officially signed for Sunderland this evening for £3m.

Kaboul’s form declined over the years as he struggled with injuries but for a while he was a quality central defender and he will always be remembered at Spurs for the moment when he put the finishing touches on a brilliant comeback that saw us come back from 2-0 down to win 3-2 at the Emirates.

As if that wasn’t an impressive enough legacy, look at how Arsene Wenger reacted to the goal!



  1. Wenger thought he could win the epl with his pretty soccer.
    For the last ten years he has failed and failed spectacularly
    when within reach of the finishing post,the gunners choked.
    If not for the 2 cup wins,he would have been sacked.
    As for Kaboul,thanks for the memory.When the shot went in,
    I screamed and looked at Wenger’s dejected face.

    • 5-2, back-to-back. 16 straight years of beating spurs at everything. Have you ever seen your club win something two years in a row? Will you ever win the league again? Or even something tiny like the league cup?

      • couldn’t have put it better myself, spurs fans what do you even look forward to? there is no long term enjoyment from your club?

        • Say what?, don’t give a fcuk you plastic bunch of gooner cunts, wtf are you doing trolling our site anyway? Go away and celebrate your cup wins and let us died in the wool blue and whites do what we do best……support our club no matter what !! COYS

      • 16 years of mastering the ART OF MEDIOCRACY…that is what the ARS have achieved///is,nt the League Cup all u have won in ten years.???

    • Go fcuk yerself lad…..were moving 500 yards to expand, isn’t it about time you Woolwich cunts fucked off somewhere else again ? There’s local pikey wagons for sale just round the corner from finsbury park !!

      • Also your shit team will always be under the shadow of Barcelona….keep celebrating 4th spot…not to be confused with ARSelona….or anything else with the word arse in it.

  2. Says a fan from a club that has never finished above us in my lifetime. Go suck on a cock you git. 50 years and counting.

  3. The one thing about Wenger is he always thinks he is right 100%,
    be it tactics or player acquisition.He is lucky to be at Arsenal where his
    repeated failures would have warranted the sack.But he survived.
    The epl is a very tough league compared to those in Spain/Germany and Italy
    where a couple of familiar teams always dominate.This season expectations are
    high at every club including Spurs . If Spurs finish above Arsenal despite
    spending a modest outlay,what does it say of Wenger?
    Time to move on.

  4. If spurs finish above Arsenal 😛
    every season beginning normally spuds fans say “when spuds finish above arsenal…”, midseason it will be “if spuds finish above arsenal..”, and by the time season ends, it is arsenal finishing above spurs and preparing for next years champions league..:P

    • any team that has a manager whos name is Ars…and calls the team Arse has severe problems if u ask me…is he really a peado by the way???

  5. In sweden its more people that support mighty spurs. Not the team that refers to places where the sun dont shine. Ars*nal….even the spot looks like……


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