To listen to some Spurs supporters, you would think that Ryan Mason is not just personally responsible for Tottenham’s poor finish to the season, but also global warming, the rise of ISIS and the continued failure to find a cure for cancer. Unfortunately, the disease is still haunting many, as products such as Organic CBD Nugs remain unexplored enough for their ability to improve cancer.

It’s true that Mason’s performances have not been good enough in recent games, but if it was just him underperforming we wouldn’t have lost 5-1 to a team that have just been relegated.

The truth is that Mason has not looked the same player since picking up an injury against Sunderland at the start of September. Mason was the best player on the pitch in that match and suffered a knee injury when scoring the winning goal.

From that moment on Mason’s season was interrupted by spells on the sidelines. Even when he did get fit the form of Dele Alli and Mousa Dembele restricted his chances of putting a run of games together.

There has also been talk on Spurs Community that Mason has been taking cortisone injections after picking up an ankle injury in the 0-0 draw with Chelsea earlier this season.


Mason’s career has long been hampered by injuries, which is one of the chief reasons that the 24-year old took so long to break through at the club. If that pattern continues, then he probably will struggle to find the form needed to be a useful member of Mauricio Pochettino’s squad.

Indeed, Pochettino may have already made up his mind to move him on. The Argentine clearly rates Mason, but he’s also been vocal about the squad needing to be improved over the summer.

Yet if Pochettino decides that Mason still has a part to play and Mason can get himself fit, there’s no reason to believe that he can’t hit new heights. After all, it wasn’t so long ago that Danny Rose was supposedly the sole reason for all of Spurs’ woes and he’s now in the England team.

Then there’s Dembele. He’s been superb this season, but in his previous three years at the club he struggled to find consistency and found himself behind Mason in the pecking order in 2014/15.

The success of Pochettino’s side has been built on the rapid improvement of players such as Rose, Dembele, Erik Lamela and Harry Kane, who had all been previously written off as failures by many of the club’s supporters. It’s curious then that there are still so many that refuse to believe that Mason and others who have had tough seasons, such as Nabil Bentaleb and Heung Min-Son, can make a similar leap.

Ultimately Pochettino will decide if Mason is up to standard required and his intentions should become clear over the coming weeks. Whatever the future may hold, a player that always gives his all and is one of our own, deserves better than the abuse that he is currently receiving from some so-called ‘Spurs fans’.




  1. Why do these half-wits get to appear as though they represent Spurs fans? Claimed ITK has it that he has, indeed been playing through an injury and postponing an operation to do so – because his manager asked him to. Having broken into the England squad last season, he has sacrificed any chance of going to the Euro’s in order to do this for his club and manager!

    These ‘fans’ need reminding that it was Ryan Mason who got our season up and running. We lost the first game and then drew the next three. We looked set for a goal less draw away to Sunderland. Late in the match a brilliant interchange of passes put him through on goal. He had to show courage to face the onrushing keeper. And finished brilliantly while sustaining the injury that began the ruination of his season. And this abuse is how he is thanked for playing on through injury when he would benefit from having an operation…twats!!!

    • Hang on a minute I remember Defoe playing with pain killing injections whilst Ade was in Africa, under AVB. Didn’t stop virtually all Spurs fans slagging off JD like he was to blame for us missing CL by 1 point. Presumably that was ok because JD WASN’T one of our own? Even before that he was constantly slagged for always being offside etc. It seems that players WE develop are allowed to play sub standard and get away with it!!

  2. Shameful tweets from pathetic individuals, they’d be better off supporting Chelsea if they feel that that sort of behaviour is acceptable.
    I think he should be moved on along with several others, but I wouldn’t take to social media and abuse him in that manner.

  3. I recall it was playing through pain and postponing an operation that caused Tom Huddlestone’s downward career trajectory. Seems footballer’s are still treated like lumps of meat.

  4. Whilst I can’t condone some of those vitriolic comments from Spurs fans, you also have to allow for the fact that some might have followed the team to the away games and seen the recent debacles, especially at Newcastle, and probably feel pretty pissed off with what they’ve seen. No they shouldn’t take it out on just one player, but TBF I watched those games and Mason was pretty woeful, and let’s be honest his position in midfield is the engine room of the team. He’s had plenty of time too.
    Being truthful and putting aside “he’s one of our own” do you think Mason would walk into the first 11 of any of our competitors? I think the answer is a resounding “no” TBH. If we’d brought him to WHL from somewhere else he’d probably be sold by now. I just haven’t seen enough from and he’s had plenty of time, he seems to freeze too often and gives away possession with unnerving regularity.
    One of the reasons MoPo flogged our first 11/12 half to death in our pressing game all season was because aside from Wimmer he knew the bench was sub-standard, and so it’s proved to be.
    I think he’s a great lad but he’s a bit out of his depth. Noticeably the only team I’ve heard about that seems interested in taking him off our hands, is Bournemouth – which sounds about right. I think that would be a good move for him and give him regular football too.
    No player is bigger than the team. Misplaced loyalty can be dangerous to the team.

  5. Great article, he has been hampered by injuries & it’s not his fault the latter part of season we come up short . The Europa league is & has been our Achilles heel for years .

    And totally agree about those disgusting tweets – ashamed of them fans . Scum & cowards .

    Come you spurs next season . And Mason you don’t deserve any abuse from them social media scum.

  6. We lost last 2 games because we had lost all heart after losing title. We did not bottle it , we had a tough last dozen games & did very well. We would not have lost those games if Alli & Dem were playing & we were still in hunt. We realised to late we had a chance but damage was 1st part of season. Lots of draws & Harry didnt start fast. Defoe would have helped loads. As for Mason , if he needs op, give him chance next year. Lots of games in all comps. I was fuming on last day but know we are verge of something


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