Spurs were linked with a move for the Newcastle attacking midfielder Georginio Wijnaldum this week, but fresh reports claim that the club will have to spend big to land him.

The Mirror have reported that Newcastle have told Tottenham that they value Wijnaldum at £25m. Newcastle bought the Dutch international last summer for £14.5m and are looking to make a big profit on the player.

In some ways this valuation makes sense. The influx of TV money means that all players being eyed by Premier League clubs are likely to cost more than they did a year ago, while Wijnaldum had a good season despite Newcastle’s relegation, scoring 11 goals.

Yet £25m is a lot of money for someone being brought in to merely add depth to the squad and it’s reasonable to think that Spurs could find a better value solution elsewhere.

We can’t see the club wanting to pay anywhere near £25m for Wijnaldum, so unless the player kicks up a fuss and prompts Newcastle to adjust their valuation, it’s unlikely that he’ll be moving to White Hart Lane this summer.



  1. Well is pogba is worth 100m and mane 32m the I think wijnaldum is probably worth 25m in this ridiculous market I think he has a lot of quality and would definitely improve our squad

  2. No Ian, he is not worth £25 Milliion, just as Pogba is not worth £100 million and Mane is not worth £32 Million.
    A reasonable price for Wijnaldum is around £18-£20 Million tops.

    • He is in this currant market the simple fact now is the a player is half decent he costs a lot with these inflated valuations ! Wiljnaldum scored more goals and assists that Kevin de brunye David Silva payet. Martial dele Ali last season so Newcastle have a case to put a 20m plus price tag on him

  3. He’s def not worth anywhere near that. Even toon fans would tell you that. Levy might be a lot of things but he’s not a mug.

  4. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, but as with all other players in this market place, a player is only worth what team is prepared to sell or him for buy for (much the same way Levey played hard ball with Townsend’s value for a player who was training with the under 21s and Mauricio best jog on if he is not prepared to pay the valuation, because it does to look like he will leaving for less than that 🙂

  5. He’s worth about £15M that Toon paid for him last year, he had an ok season but someone had to score from midfield cos the strikers couldn’t manage it, just more moves from Ashley trying to turn a losing situation into a financial windfall, all the pundits lauded his £50M spending which was about 2 seasons too late, but turns out it was only a loan as he offloads all Toons assets.


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