
Another transfer window, another deadline day. Tottenham often leave most of their business until the last minute, and with the fans calling for signings Daniel Levy could be a busy man on the final day of the window.

So who will Spurs sign? Or perhaps a better question is: who will they try to sign?

Marseille winger Georges Kevin N’Koudou, who has been training with club since last week, will be confirmed tomorrow when Clinton N’Jie’s loan move in the other direction is finalised. This one is more a question of when than if.

Spanish goalkeeper Pau Lopez could join. La Liga expert Guillem Balague told Sky Sports that Espanyol expect their player to leave for Tottenham before the deadline.

Any possible deal for Real Madrid playmaker Isco is apparently dead. Spurs have reportedly turned their attention to Newcastle’s Mousa Sissoko, but the deal could be difficult considering the Magpies’ £35 million asking price.

Tottenham ended their interest in Wilfried Zaha on Tuesday, and don’t appear to have a contingency plan in that regard.

If all goes to plan, Spurs could sign as many as three players on deadline day: one is almost certain; two are likely.

What do you think? Should Tottenham be looking to recruit more than three new players?



    • Wanyama and Jansen are a lot better than nothing, they have plugged two major gaps. We have academy players coming through and Poch knows who is rising and who to get rid of, not the media. We are one of the few teams that are run without insane losses, and how the media would kill us if we did?

      • just a pity if the squad stays as it is we have fuckall chance of CL football ever again, #LevysBankBalanceIsDueAnotherOpenTopBusParade

    • Once again another so called fan being negative based on speculation from the media. How about people actually get the facts before hating than looking like a dick. Oh the internet says it’s happening, damn you Levy.

  1. I really don’t understand why we are going for a keeper? Last season we had not the best but reliable squad players. The squad was still small in comparison to teams who go for trophies so you would think the logical thing to do is buy a bit EVEN MORE SO when we’ve been selling those very backup squad players. I’m confused as to what spurs aim is for this seasons competitions…

      • It’s a perfectly sensible move. I only have to cast my mind back, a few years, to the Chelsea v Reading game, in which both Cech and Cudicini suffered head injuries in the same game (the one to Cech has caused him to wear a helmet, ever since) and they were stuck with that clown Hilario for ages. Pau Lopez is exactly the kind of keeper that suits Poch’s style – and being only 21, gives us a real option should either of Lloris and Vorm get injured, move on or choose to retire at some point. They are the two oldest players in the squad and Poch is only being prudent by making sure we are not caught short in the near future. Put it this way, almost all international teams go into major tournaments with three keepers, even though the third hardly ever plays. Vorm has been absolutely fantastic, this season. In 235 minutes of play, he has only been beaten once – by a penalty. His sweeping, in the Liverpool game, was absolutely brilliant to watch. There have been rumours about him reuniting with Brendan Rodgers (now at Celtic) and if that eventuates, in Winter, we would be wise to have top-quality cover for Hugo. Lopez provides that quality.

      • No, it has not been paid for. Finance is in place – but those borrowings still have to be repaid. DO you think someone just GAVE us £450m for nothing? It is very fortunate though, that we can build it AND have sound control over our finances. As much as is possible, Levy has promised to “ring-fence” funds for transfers. There have been no dividend payouts since 2008 and no suggestion that the owners (ENIC: 70% Joe Lewis; 30% Daniel Levy) have taken any dividends since then. What HAS happened, since the company went private, is that Levy has had his salary and entitlements increased and that the brand value of the Club has also improved. If anything, this might make it attractive for potential purchasers to make an offer – though the premium allegedly being placed, makes it unlikely that anyone without having billions to splash around, wouldn’t get near the asking price. That is how and when Joe Lewis will get his profit. It would not even make sense for him to pocket the “tv money”, when, by putting into the current capital works, he is enhancing the value of the asset as a going concern. A little more common sense and a little less emotive language would go a long way in this comments section…

  2. We will sign nkoudou and Lopez tomorrow and probably annonce eriksen signed a new deal and that will be that I think we are short of bodies and pray we don’t get any serious injuries otherwise we are in trouble

    • We will also have Dembélé back in a couple of games. Given the sluggish start to the season, he will be like a new signing – and one that can’t arrive soon enough. Personally, I am looking forward to the League Cup and the chance to see Marcus Edwards strut his stuff at the Lane.

  3. yes dead right this could be another priofitable window for levy you would think now wow we have spent nothing lets spend 20 mil on i good signing ……dont think this will happen well done daniel buliding the stadium and sell the club

  4. With these 3 it would make 6, Jansen, Wanyama and Lopez (youth squad) have already been signed. We need the goalie as our third has gone. N’Koudou is fast but might need a season to bulk up as I think he will be a little lightweight for the Premier initially, but his speed is certainly wanted. Poch is right though we need someone that runs through other teams as this spreads them out and gives the others space (like Dembele) We have some in the youth squad which will move up to fill in some of the gaps. I think this will be a good season, but still a team in development. Once the stadium is up our team will be the youngest, fittest and most cutthroat team in the league. COYS

  5. shit window, shit deadline day, Lopez and Nkoudou, thatll be it, BIIIIIG DEEEEEAL

    Levy is a fucking wanker, bout time enic done the decent thing and FUCKED OFF

    • And replaced by whom? For once, just for once, can’t you folks show some faith in the people running the Club? We’ve finally got stability (Poch is the third-longest serving manager at a current Club, in the Premier League); we’ve got the best stadium in the country coming soon; we’ve got Champions League football at Wembley; and “f****** w***** Levy has backed Pochettino to deliver our highest-ever Premier League position, ever. Added to that, we’ve got the youngest squad in the League, which shows a lot of promise of the good things to come. We are adding a really good keeper to the squad to ensure that there will be a smooth succession when the time comes for Lloris to end his Tottenham days and to cover for him before he does. We’ve got great young players coming through the Academy ranks. There is so much to be positive about. If all you want is to see big money thrown after mature-aged players, go and follow Jose Mourinho. He’s the king of short-termism. There is too much to like to remain “disgruntled” for long. I hope you have reason to smile as the season wears on. Fingers crossed.

      • Too right, 352 mate, I wonder if this is a L’Arse blog in disguise because of the close-minded commenters, wow! I agree with most of your astute comments, mate. Most here don’t understand what it takes to run a club heading into a new stadium and all the attending uncertainties, and also the meaning of what a true fan is…for them, I suggest, there’s always the other side, you know the dark side, of North London to go over to!

      • You are levys pr man!
        We actually need one more signing today goalkeeper aside on top of koodoo being confirmed. Someone that does not go missing for 30 games a season like ericcson does.
        isco & now meyer are the usual levy spin doctor leaked rubbish going back to the dizzy morientes days!!
        Coric is in our price & age range, looks the real deal and could well be the next big thing.
        Have a word with Daniel 352!!

      • I cannot fault Sheik’s comments. We have thinned the squad a little too much perhaps but the players coming in fit a pattern. The aim is the squad not a team consisting of a Bale and 10 others. If we end up with Wanyama, Janssen, N’Koudou, Lopez pau and one other, hopefully Coric then I think that is about £ 60 mill out. Mason, Pritchard, Chadli, Ball and Yedlin plus loan monies for Bentelab, Fazio, N’Jie would be a net spend of about £ 20 mill 5 in 7 out of whom 5 hardly played last year would seem a reasonable outcome to me, and allow a few games for the youth players.

  6. it’s simple to work out what we need. our starting 11 is fine no problem their what so ever. our problem is our sub bench as we saw when we had a few problems after the Chelsea match. we need subs as good as our starters, every club what ever level of football your playing need subs as good as the starters. well I think we’re 2 players short that already includes n’koudou on our sub bench, both would have to be attacking midfielders. VORM,WIMMER,WANYAMA,N’KOUDOU2 NEW ATTACKING MIDS,JANSEN. another great player for us is going to be harry winks who i’m sure will get enough game time with us being involved in 4 competitions this season. but I do think it’s time we made at least 1 big money signing, my choice being ISCO. well we can dream you never know.


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