
After a hectic festive period the fixture list has settled down, giving Mauricio Pochettino the rare luxury of a full week to prepare for a game.

Indeed, when you consider that the FA Cup victory over Aston Villa saw several second string players feature in the side, it will be ten full days since the last Premier League match, when a full strength Spurs beat Chelsea 2-0.

With Erik Lamela still injured and another full week before our next game against Manchester City, we’re expecting Pochettino to keep the same formation and team that defeated Chelsea.

Here’s our Spurs team to face West Brom. What’s yours?



  1. An alternative is to play 4-2-4 with an additional defender in goal to prevent their scoring from set pieces and corners and using 4 attackers , Eriksen, Son, Alli and Kane to break their defence …With Dembele and Wanyama in midfield

    • I agree the 3-4-3 (or 3-4-1-2) we played against Chelsea worked very well. This turns into a 5-4-1 when we are defending so no need for James NG’s 4-2-4. As for Gary Joel’s 3-3-2-2 – are you kidding? You plan to play Wanyama in defense & leave out Dier? Against West Brom? You are kidding – really you must be!

  2. COYS if you are listening put out a fight tomorrow even though they are only West Brom. Our players need to be smart and outsmart them when defending set pieces against them. They have tall and aggressive players who are very dangerous during free kicks and corners, so in order to overcome this, the best way is to do our best not to concede free kicks outside the penalty box and giving away too many corners. Be prepared that Tony Pulis will put ten men behind the ball, park their bus in the park and hit us on the counter when they have the opportunity to do so. When defending set pieces, we need to put on our toes and be 100% focusing. We need to be physicality tougher and do not let loose any of their players by giving them a free ball to attack our goal. IMHO, when Craig Dawson scored the equaliser against us last season at the Lane, I felt that Lloris should have came out to challenge him for the ball if he was alert enough. In this type of situation, the goalie can save the day especially when the ball is being pumped high into the penalty area and that ball was right inside the penalty area. But he must be lightning fast to do it and Lloris acting as a sweeper keeper, should have dealed with this type of ball better. Do not expect every ball to be cleared by our CBs, even though we have arguably the best centrebacks pairing in the PL. COYS, to DARE is to DO, if you dare to show us you will kick on from now onwards and fight till the end of the season. PLEASE get us the 3 points for tomorrow’s game at the lane. Show us your ‘FIGHTING SPIRIT’ and ‘MENTAL TOUGHNESS’ by bringing the real spurs on!


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