
Mauricio Pochettino has gained a reputation for getting the best out of English players, none more so than Tottenham full-backs Danny Rose and Kyle Walker.

Rose and Walker have been two of Spurs’ best players over the last couple of seasons, developing into two of Europe’s most coveted defenders.

And it seems Pep Guardiola is a tad jealous of Tottenham’s English stars. The Manchester City manager claims he is keen to recruit some English players this summer.

The Spaniard said: “I would like English players because they know the league and that is much better. I am really impressed with how many good English players your country has.

“Tottenham players, the English players are all amazing, City, United, Chelsea players as well.”

He added:“I would like to have more English players. But, you have to believe me, they are so expensive.

“I would like to play with them. When I was [at] Barcelona I had a lot of players [from Spain], at Bayern Munich, I had a lot of players [from Germany]. But sometimes it is not possible. The market is the market.”

The Manchester Evening News believes Rose and Walker are two of those English players on Guardiola’s radar, as well as Dele Alli; also, water is wet.

The report suggests Daniel Levy wouldn’t sell Alli for less than the price of Gareth Bale (£85.3m) and that Danny Rose would cost City in excess of £40 million.

Guardiola would be stupid not to go for Tottenham’s talented trio, but Mauricio Pochettino will be more than keen for them all to stay and continue with his project next season.



  1. Spurs should not sell any of them and certainly not to a premier League rival. We have the nucleus of a really great team so why should we do what the papers want.

  2. Each of these players has signed a new contract. Repeating this kind of nonsensical kite-flying is not what I’d expect from a site professing to be for Spurs supporters. Sort out your priorities, or I’ll stop visiting you!

  3. Blurting out this crap just makes you look desperate for hits.
    The club already faces a deluge from “sports journo’s” without you broadcasting this bollocks!!

  4. I’m sure he’d be “interested” in Harry Kane and Eric Dier as well………..but it ain’t gonna happen, not while Danny Levy is in charge.

  5. We all know it’s never going to happen now. The bods in the media and associated blogs continue remind everyone that the club sold Berbatov and Carrick to Manchester United. That was almost 10 years ago and Modrick and Bale to Real Madrid, Modrick four years ago and the latter three years ago. Times and circumstances have changed. Let’s recap who they the liars in the media have pegged to leave the club this Summer.
    Pochettino and at one point Walker, to Barcelona.
    Alli and Lloris to Real Madrid.
    Kane and Dier to Manchester United.
    Rose to Manchester City.
    Wimmer back to Germany.
    Toby is homesick for Belgium and Jan wants to return to Dutch football.
    Sissoko to Italy.
    Lamella back to Roma.
    Eriksen a possible target for Juventus.
    Only a matter of time before they link Victor to either of the Manchester clubs and next season Winks will be added to the list. Earlier this season, the idiots in the press were linking wonder kid Marcus Edwards with a move to Barcelona because he has the same mercurial talent as a young Lionel Messi. The nonsense won’t stop until This current group of Spurs players win a major trophy and even then, I’m willing to bet the same shit will continue to be printed on a weekly basis.

    • Times have changed hmmm you said one was ten years ago one was 3 and 4 years ago so that would suggest nothing changes as far as spurs selling their better players goes.

      • Your response to my comment implies that you’re no Spurs fan. May I then suggest that you stay on you own clubs site and stay off ours. It never ceases to amaze me how the nouveau riche like Chelsea and very recently Manchesters 2nd club, suddenly appear from the woodwork.

  6. We have got great players and none are for sale.The good thing now is arsenal supporters have been talking the p–s out of us it is now our turn and they don’t like it c.o.y.s

  7. Listen lads if city want to take your players they will it’s as simple as that, walker wont be approached he’s a rich mans Micah Richards at best, the other two if city want them they will take them your club sells their best players all the time, there has never been an approach for one of your best players rebuffed if the price is right, which it always seems it is and this is a matter of fact.

    Even worse your building at the moment which means money and if they can cover the cost by selling they definitely will, don’t know why your all so uptight about it, it happens all the time at your place.

  8. Times are changing at Spurs and we have a great team spirit, in the days of Bale and Modric we never had the depth of talent we have now. Why would the players want to move when we are clearly better placed to achieve?

  9. Spurs is not a “selling club” anymore, with the new world class stadium is under construction, they must keep the world class players !


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