
Paris Saint-Germain are closing in on Tottenham target Juan Foyth, according to reports in France.

Foyth was expected to move to Spurs for around £8 million this week, with some outlets suggesting he would rejoin current club Estudiantes on loan for six months.

But it is believed PSG swooped in with a late bid, matching Tottenham’s offer.

Now, French outlet L’Equipe claims PSG are close to completing a deal for the 19-year-old.

There’s a good chance the Ligue 1 giants will be able to offer Foyth a better salary than Spurs, so who he joins could come down to which club can offer him a better development.

Below you can watch a video of Foyth’s individual highlights for Argentina Under-20s against England last month.



    • He won’t!! What worries me is the possibility that he now believes all the hype surrounding his negotiating skills and is trying to live up to it. Doomed to failure I’m afraid.

  1. Daniel Levy pretends to be interested in good players but has no desire to purchase them unless they are a real bargain price. How many times have we seen him in for exceptional players only to pull out at the last minute. He tries to con the supporters that he is interested in the player but really doesn’t want him.

  2. I totally agree, looks like they’ve missed out on Foyth, by trying to be ‘clever’, instead of just saying, ok we want him and we’ll pay X done. Spurs need more good players to strengthen their squad, dilly dallying around is mental, and could cost them dear in the end.

  3. Just how long will MP, Dele and Harry hang around with Levy again unwilling to push through quality deals,as ever just trying to save a few pounds ..3 sales so far, is he again waiting for the last day of the window to get another ‘exciting’ French winger that no one’s heard of?…

  4. Who the fuck had ever heard of Juan Foyth before the nonces in the press stated that Spurs were interested in him 2 weeks ago? £10M for a 19 year old, untried and untested in any league in the U.K. is a major risk. If this bloke is so special, why hasn’t Barcelona with their wide contacts in Argentina not go in for him? We hear so often in transfer season that Levy is a this and that but not one of us knows for certain what goes on behind closed doors and the dunces fall hook line and sinker for what ever they manage to read in the belly crawling press. Is Foyth going to immediately replace any of the existing back four NO or anytime soon NO. Stop getting you knickers in a twist and get a grip. You pricks Rejoiced when he bought all those players with the proceeds from the sale of Bale to Real Madrid then kicked him in the bollocks when most of those players turned out to be duds.
    For your information, every club rich or poor makes an offer for a player
    and negotiates a price thereafter and most if not all monies are paid in instalments. I’m not a Levy lover or sympathiser but fed up to the back teeth with the constant bitching and moaning from some of my fellow Spurs supporters the moment it’s suggested by the press that Levy has dragged his feet over a deal. I repeat, none of us know what has gone on behind closed doors and if it was ever a deal in waiting in the first place.

  5. I d agree with losing interest in the young Argentine but he is not been tested. CarterVickers has so has Onoumah Winks and WalkerPeters. Give them some scope. The injured are healing quicker than expected. It s that damn Champions League you have to cowtow too.


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