
Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino has claimed chairman Daniel Levy is working hard with chief scout Steve Hitchen to deliver signings before the transfer deadline.

In quotes published by The Independent, the Spurs boss admitted the transfer window is difficult due to the club’s philosophy, but reassured supporters that there is a plan in place.

He said: “It is so difficult when you have a very good team and at a club like Tottenham you have a very clear philosophy and a plan that you want to follow.

“It is not easy to find right footballer. I think we are working and we’ll add some players to the end of the transfer window.

“We need to bring some new energy and strengthen our squad. I think everyone knows that – and first of all our chairman, Daniel [Levy], knows that.”

The Argentine added: “He’s [Levy] working hard with the chief scout Steve [Hitchen] and we are working hard too to deliver it and to add and strengthen to the team that we need to fight for competitions next season.”

Some Spurs fans will question just how hard the club is working to sign players. But Pochettino seems pretty certain new recruits will arrive shortly.




  1. We need experience players , pure speculations about new signings, and nothing up till now , what is going on , the team is too weak for champion league, everybody is tightening up , what about us ?

  2. I agree with Wayne ..are bench is appalling ? What happens week in and out we lose a player in the first 11 there’s no one on the bench to be scared of to come on and be a game changer…we don’t have the depth for champions.. we have to spend money to make money levy you should know that..if we are equipped for the champions league we make more money ..make more money your able to sign better players and raise the wage bar ..its not rocket science..the first eleven need to be scared of someone coming on and taking there place period!!

  3. Yes levy… spend spend spend spend and then er…. spend.
    It’s not about targeting the right sort of players.
    Do what rednapp does and get players in. Ryan nelson and the like are even free now, but don’t do that spend.

  4. It would be easy to go and spend lots on new signings but look what happened when we had money from Gareth Bale and a few others sold we bought in Soldado Paulino etc but only two are left from those signings. And I am not sure if all those were the managers requirements. And to be frank who is there out there for us Ross Barkley he would only be a squad player at best he needs Spurs more than we need him what Spurs need in emerging talent the we can teach the Tottenham way I for one see Jansen doing great things when called upon and players we are developing from the academy playing a big part COYS

  5. I agree with Tony but we do need at least two signings that will give the starting XI a kick when things aren’t going right. Definitely need a right back, but we all know that!

  6. People should start too ask what Joe lewis is doing about all this the owner of Tottenham not levy who runs the club if Mr lewis gets his money out and lets mr levy sort it out before they get back too the lane


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