
Crystal Palace are the latest Premier League club to express an interest in signing Tottenham defender Kevin Wimmer, according to The Daily Mail.

Spurs completed a deal for Ajax centre-back Davinson Sanchez last week. As a result, Wimmer has fallen even further down the pecking order in Tottenham’s defence.

After giving up his summer-long chase of Middlesbrough’s Ben Gibson, West Brom manager Tony Pulis has apparently set his sights on Wimmer.

Reports last week suggested negotiations are underway between Spurs and West Brom. The initial fee for the Austrian is thought to be around £15m, but instalments could take that figure up to £20m.

But this week, reports claimed Stoke City have emerged as competitors to sign Wimmer.

Now, The Mail is touting Crystal Palace as yet another possible location for the centre-back. They also believe £20m (£15m plus add-ons) would tempt Tottenham into selling.

Wimmer joined Spurs from Koln for £4.3m in the summer of 2015. The club looks set to make quite the profit on a player who barely featured in the first team last season.



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