
Manchester City are keeping a close eye on Tottenham defender Toby Alderweireld’s contract situation, according to ESPN.

The Belgian’s current deal expires in the summer of 2019. Spurs have an option to trigger a one-year extension, but in turn that will trigger a £25 million release clause.

Earlier this week, Alderweireld’s representative Stign Francis said: “When you look at Toby’s statistics, they are impressive. Either he deserves an appropriate contract, or else he should be given a transfer.”

He added: “Seven or eight big European clubs are interested in signing him. There are not many central defenders around who can play like he can.”

If ESPN are to be believed, one of those big clubs is Manchester City.

Alderweireld apparently earns considerably less than Tottenham’s best paid players, Harry Kane and Hugo Lloris, who are on contracts worth in excess of £100,000-a-week.

Spurs fans will be hoping a new deal for the 28-year-old can be sorted sooner rather than later.



  1. Won’t you all be glad when the games start again and you have some real news to report. Stygn Vickers is not Alderweireld’s agent nor his representative. If he was, his current activities clearly demonstrate that he has no idea what he is talking about. With or without Vickers, Toby will get a new contract with Spurs shortly, probably better without. Alderweireld should send Vickers packing as soon as he can. Vickers is an impediment.

  2. ?VICKERS…..U mean FRANCIS! If your going to moan like a little bitch and waste your time writing about it….then at least get your basic facts correct before u waste MY time reading your bull then me having to waste MY time having to correct your bull!!!!???Alderwiereld is wanting what a top drawer defender in this current market wants and rightly deserves,but I’m afraid Daniel”Scot” Levy will have something different to say about that and alder will no doubt be gone in the next window?Levy is one of the BEST and shrewdest businessmen out there and we have him to thank for our success and the great future ahead at Spurs but he has got to seriously come to terms with the current wages and demands of TOP players or we will continue letting our best players exit our club.Anyways…..COME ON YOU SPURS???

    • Levy does what most “pay him whatever it takes” fans do not bother with – he looks at the finances of the club. Take a look at Spurs annual report (on our website) and do the maths. Once we get our revenue on a par with our friends down the road, we can afford to compete on salaries. But if we do it for Toby, then Rose deserves the same and where does the list stop? If we increase Toby’s income to say £100k this will have a knock on effect. Just to raise him to that level would cost over £2m. Spread that across the squad and you are putting the club in the red.

      For now we have to accept the Ajax model. Find and nurture cheap, young talent and be prepared to sell on the odd crown jewel. Unlike Ajax though we are in the PL and (for now) that means once the new stadium is built, we can afford higher salaries. It’s not genius, just good sense.

      PS You demean yourself with the “Scot” jibe. It is as racist as if you had referred to Daniel Levy by his religious faith. We are all “One Hotspur”


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