
Everton will be able confirm Dele Alli’s move from Tottenham after the transfer deadline as they managed to get deal sheet in on time, according to The Telegraph’s Mike McGrath.

Earlier on Monday, we relayed word from another Telegraph journalist, Matt Law, claiming Everton were set to sign Alli on an initial free transfer, with fees based on incentives coming later.

And now it seems that deal is set to be finalised, even with the Merseysiders leaving things very late.

McGrath says Everton got a deal sheet in before the 11pm deadline, meaning they can finalise and announce Alli’s arrival after the window closes.

And so ends Dele’s Tottenham career, during which the 25-year-old experienced incredible highs before a decline over the last couple of years ultimately saw him ousted.

For Alli, the hope is that he will revive his career at Goodison Park and find a way back into the England set-up.

And for Spurs, they will wish Alli well while hoping their own deadline day arrivals – Rodrigo Bentancur and Dejan Kulusevski – can make an instant impact.



  1. 2 players in and 4 players out, to be honest the 2 in aren’t a significant upgrade to what we had, we’ve lost numbers to our squad, so as far as I’m concerned we haven’t improved the squad, but Levy made a profit, that’s all that matters to Levy and Lewis. Conte wanted a right wing back, a left footed centre back, an attacking creative midfielder and a striker, Levy bought him a winger and another defensive midfielder, not what Conte wanted at all. Levy, Lewis and ENIC have to go. More and more fans are getting fed up with the lack of investment and the lack of quality. I can hear the fans already, when we play Brighton in the cup at home they’ll be calling for Levys head, Mark my words.

  2. This comment is so bang on.In Conte we have a first class coach,who has been badley let down by Levy and ENIC.Whats the good of having a first class Stadium and brillaint Facilities.
    When we have a number of player not up too the task.We really need some one ,with Financial Clout,to come and buy our club.Before we sink into more mediocatity.

  3. Guys I understand the frustration I really do but in fairness frustration generally results in us not looking at all the facts. First of all the has been no profit made today, in fact we gave away over 100m in investment with ndombele and le celso today. We only get paid on the transfers if the players perform well enough to meet the set criteria for the obligation clauses to be met and only then we might break even. The only potential profit cones from dele and that’s only if he decides to become the player he was. I think it was more a case of getting rid of bad eggs in the dressing room.
    Secondly the winter window is a ridiculously hard window to get quality players. Every team struggled. The 2 players we got in are most definitely an upgrade in not just quality but desire and attitude. Yes a defender and a rwb would’ve been nice but the great ones are at clubs in a position to win silverware this season and are also in teams that can guarantee cl football next season, we can’t at this point. Hence losing Diaz but in all honesty exactly where would he have played? His primary position is sonny’s. Let’s all ve honest and admit that we were never really convinced that traore would have been a great signing especially at rwb. Otherwise he would be in Lucas position. I’d take Lucas any day of the week.
    Finally my only gribe is gill. I wanted yo see more of him, possibly in a #10 role but either way I question the decision to loan him yo a non premier league team, that’s the experience he needs.
    Believe me I’m completely pro Enic, Lewis and levy but they have brought our club a long way things take time when it’s done the right way, which is how we do it. I prefer it like this over having a sugar daddy Arab or oligarch treating the club like a toy. There’s way more pride and accomplishment to a supporter that watches a team achieving the right way and it will happen. I fell our judgements should be reserved until after the summer window.

  4. I’m not sure conti will feel let down I would of thought the players in would of had to have his ok I’m sure mr conti will let everyone know if he’s not happy with the transfers ?

  5. It is a real shame that the club continue to use the same policy on transfers, and do not act more like the Liverpool’s and city’s of the world. We have the stadium, facilities and now a world class manager, but have not added the world class to lift our players. We desperately needed central defence, wing back, creative mid ( Ndombele??‍♂️) and back up for Harry, 2 goals for bergwin suddenly means he’s staying ?, let’s just hope that this team can compete and get us into CL spot, and that there is the players earmarked to come in.. spend to accumulate, it seems to have worked for the top 3????

  6. ENIC going nowhere unfortunately and all this moaning is futile and pointless – Levy is not the billionaire owner, Joe Louis is. So, when Levy goes to Joe with cap in hand for new players, Joe says Convince me that the funds won’t be spent on shite like Ndombele, Lo Celso, Janssesn Soldado, Njie, Nkodu, the list is endless.
    Surprised we had the funds to secure our new signings.


  7. It’s been a bad window again. 2 in 4 out. The two in aren’t a significant upgrade to what we already had, to be honest I think we are weaker than when the window started.
    Conte Evaluated the squad and was very clear, we all knew what he wanted, a left footed centre back, a right wing back, an attacking central creative midfielder and a striker. So Levy with the help of Paratici goes and buys him a winger and another defensive midfielder, nothing like what Conte asked for, they only got those two because of Paratici’s links to Juve.
    Every window is the same, Levy makes out he’s making offers for all these top players, big money offers, knowing full well they won’t sign or come. And every window we end up signing average players at best. But it’s all OK because Levy’s made another profit in the window and all the Spurs fans have been fooled into believing it’s been a great window for us.
    The true Spurs fans will make themselves heard at the next home game and will be calling for Levy and Lewis to get out of OUR club.


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