The takeover at QPR could be good news for Spurs fans looking to trim the deadwood from the squad before the transfer window closes in just seven days’ time.

From the first two games of our season, it seems apparent that Peter Crouch is the odd striker out and having not featured thus far, it’s suggested that Harry is just waiting to seal the Adebayor deal before letting Crouch go. Last week there were suggestions of a loan deal to AC Milan, but club and player are thought to prefer a permanent transfer to Loftus Road.

Jermaine Jenas is another player to have been linked to QPR this summer and while he has been struggling with injury, it’s felt that he is still surplus to requirements and could finally make the move in the next few days.

“It’s all right having money and making offers but getting them to sign and move on with you is a different ball game,” said QPR manager Neil Warnock.

“In 10 days, I’ve got to do 12 weeks’ work. In an ideal world, we’ve always done it early.

“It wasn’t possible and we’ve just got to try to grasp this opportunity and strengthen the squad to give us a chance up to Christmas.”

Sounds like it might be time to take advantage of that desperation and offload some deadwood down Shepherd’s Bush way.



  1. as much as i would like this to happen I cant see either player swapping a squad role at spurs with a relegation fight. Loan deals are of no benefit to spurs either. Just put for sale signs around the necks of Hutton,Bassong,JJ,Wilson,Gio, and Crouch and then sell to highest bidders

  2. LOL we will take Crouchy back with pleasure , Jenas is rubbish so you can keep him , as for dead wood you guys better take a look at the rest of the deadwood Crouchy will be leaving behind ! good luck you’ll need it by the look of the poor show Monday night .


  3. This is why spud supporters are the worst in the land, saying shit like this.
    Thinking there all high and mighty and getting other clubs to buy there “deadwood”, crouchy would do a better job up front for you lot than any of the other forwards, looks like modric is gonna be a bit of deadwood too don’t it boys 🙂
    Then when your floundering around midtable and old saggychops jumps ship expect vdv and monkeyboy to follow as well, after your hammering the other night against kids don’t be surprised if it’s sooner rather than later

  4. QPR will stay up easily, no relegation battle here mate, we got very good players and are no way like Blackpool, when Bpool went up they lost 16 times in league and scraped thru play-offs, QPR are champions losing just 6. We will get stronger, cant wait to turn you lot over at WHL !!!!


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