Much of the attention for this weekend’s match against Wolves will be the likely appearance in the starting line up of Emmanuel Adebayor. The giant Togolese striker is set to make his debut after missing out against Manchester City due to Premier League rules and he is looking forward to making an impact.

“Everyone has confidence in me, trusts me, everyone knows what I’m capable of doing which is very important to me and now it’s up to me to show them they are not wrong, that they have taken the right decision by scoring goals,” Adebayor said.
As for his ambitions for this season, he believes that Spurs will still challenge the top four despite their poor start to the season,

“I’m very happy and very delighted,” he continued. “I’m not saying we’re playing to win the league, we’re playing for the top four, which is not going to be easy but I think we’ve got the squad now.

Adebayor seems certain to start, with the only question being whether Harry Redknapp plays him as a lone striker or as part of a 4-4-2 alongside Jermain Defoe.




    • No to Defoe at the mo!! He may mess up things. Ade alone upfront will do it. 4-3-2-1 is the best formation for now IMO. Would suggest Gomes to start, Friedel looked very static at crosses and long-shots in the previous two games. To start:

      Walker – Dawson – Kaboul – BAE
      Parker Modric Krancjar
      Lennon Bale

      Subs: Hudd, Rose, Corluka, Livermore, Pav, Defoe, Cudiccini/Friedel


        • Lets put this to bed once and for all Friedegg is 41 and i have bean forty one. The first thing you notice your body starts slowing down quicker the longer you do things David Jamesis a prime example and he moved down a league. Yes he made some outstanding saves in what i call his comfort zone from 12 yards and closer but from distance and crosses he is concrete legs like our other great shot stopper. Villa where in trouble at the bottom for most of the year with Friedel in and if we dont drop him we will be just the same. Gomes gaffs happen when King is not playing because he helps Dawson and Gomes and with his speed can cover there area Gomes is bad coming of his and his comfort zone is on his linewhere is long tentacles are at there best tipping shots over his bar. He has not conceded five goals like Friedel and Harry needs to stop pandering to some fans clambering for one upfront . Also when fully fit Huddlestone must play because the othes lot cant pass Parker may be the exception, This would be my team all fully fit Gomes or Cud Walker King Dawson Bale Lennon Huddlestone Modric Parker Defoe Ady. We have too many players and not enough places

      • Are you kidding?….what games were you watching?

        Fridel has been awesome in both games….probably our best player and we would have been 8 goals down if he had not played so well!

        Go watch women’s hockey mate!….you have no idea about football!

    • ————–Gomer————-
      Charlie—-Gallas—-Mike D—-BAE
      —-Sandstorm–Rat Bastard—-

      The team that takes us to the promised land…

      ———-Pamela chenko——-


      The Yoots..

  2. agree i am looking forward and expecting great things from addee.
    Wolves are a great forward side and i expect us to struggle to keep a clean sheet. it is there that we must score at least three to win so there is the challenge

    • Drop Parker and the traitor haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashit parker is not a flying winger so these players are under threat Unfit Hudds my fav player and Chelsea Modric

  3. Absolute rubbish about leaving Defoe on the bench. We play best when in a 4-4-2 and Defoe plays best with a big striker next to him who can actually play unlike Crouch. Defoe looks fit and sharp and it would be a massive error leaving him out. Now VDV is not fit we can play a comfortable formation, dominate the midfield with Parker and Modric/Huddlestone/Kranjcar, Lennon and Bale. That is if Harry can see sense that it!

    • Can we stop all these 4-4-2 talk? Football is far too complicated to just stick to one formation. The players should have a few backup styles to turn to should a formation or method fail to work against the opponent. All this 4-4-2 talk is done by football idiot such as our very own HR. Disgusting!

  4. little and large addee and defoe with parker and modric and bale and lennon 442 we play that we be fine that got us in the top four last time

  5. We scored three last year and so did Wolves Ohara will want to prove a point and will be full of running along with is team mates. Yes we must play Defoe because relying on one striker could be our downfall to play one upfront you need to have City and Utd Liverpool tempo and we have not got it yet. Our best results have come from 442 and this is why you cant play Lennon and Bale if you play one striker unless you have midfielders who score plenty of goals and Modric three and 12 from Van and one goal from January is no good. When Bale and Lennon get behind the defence and cross there is one striker to aim for and at least six or more defenders waiting to intercept or block the ball. City and Utd went into our games with one thing on there mind too overrun us and nullify our attack City started in 6th gear from the start Utd used there fast tempo in the second half both where not real but devastating to our start and Wolves wont be any different. We need to match there high energized work rate whatever system we play or defeats will follow defeats. Once you get stuck at the bottom its hard to get out of the slippery long relegation battle Liverpool and Everton found it hard to escape from you will hear these words a lot they worked hard and played with a high Tempo and this is the biggest signing some teams have made and the shock results 8-2 5-1 have proved its not going away even though Toure was caught his light sentence told teams to carry on it was a mistake a leak the FA would have kept quite about this with his sympathetic ex City Chairman Bernstien excepting his laughable excuse for his high tempo drug he had in his blood sample along with masking agents. His laughable excuse about having weight problem could be right when you see the gaunt faces on City Liverpool and Utd even Roony is losing weight and running faster. How long will this last before he slows with burn out and gets sent away to recharge in the Nike center?.

      • You may not agree with Davspurs theory about performance/stamina enhancing substances but it is strange that a Man City player caught with illegal substances in his system got off so lightly.Made more fishy is that someone with City links is on the disciplinary/authority with access to give conflict of interest decisions.Also when Ferdinand at the other Manchester club forgot[priceless] to attend his drug test but nothing happened to him.I also think that was a dodgy affair that was never fully investigated and Man Utd were glad the dust settled and the incident forgotten.So although old Davspur goes on a bit he may actually have scratched the surface of something a tad fishy.

        • Col that’s the first constructive statement i have heard and because you have written this blog i will tell you why i no the fishy smell so eloquently stated by you is real. The weight loss and sudden deaths are something that made me so vociferous in my campain to eradicate this form of cheating. Drug cheats have always bean in sport but to discover a whole team using this high tempo staggered me because its also deadly and can cause strokes. What amazes me is why no other fans have not questioned this tempo when England Argentina players even Messi have bombed in the better tested Fifa tournaments. I have writtem many boring blogs and Col and the Girl at Ukad drug testing center are the only two who have questioned this tempo and she shocked me by admitting its in loads of samples but not enough to fail them because of the drinks swallowed at every given moment . Toure was unlucky he was sub for the first time in the game where Rooney stole the points with his overhead kick. You laugh at me yet shocks weight loss deaths Toure Paddy Kenny Five Mexicans a Hamilton player two Dynamo Moscow players Qpr Paddy Kenny have all filed tests and all of them have given excuses for havving drugs that help you run for 90 plus mins. They range from Mexicans contaminated meat Hamilton internet supplement Kenny bad chest cold Toure weight problem and took his wifes waistline and you call me a moron No mate the morons are the ones who lift a cup above there heads and spray champers when they no they are cheats and the sad ones who pay with there lives and dropped dead with exhaustion.If i dont bang my drum 8-2 and 5-1 will keep happenning because i have seen the evidence with my eyes and they are Spurs blue through and through . I promise this will be my last blog on this subject because all i ever wanted was someone to believe me and Col has done this and i think the players we have signed will make sure we play too our full tempo Parker and Ady

      • Ask Toure and Paddy Kenny you no fuck all and wordslike yours are easy mine are hard because it makes me feel shit when i see Dzecko slimmer scoring four goals and six in three Games. Last year he scored one in 15 . Here is some information for you too swallow Man Utd Ist Captain run away from drug testers sentence 8 months 2nd City Toure drug tested failed 6 months most in the close season back trainning Liverpool reported two seasons ago for the whole team using Ephedrine no case to answer the FA boss whore there tie round his neck finished 2nd the got sacked they finished 7th Chelsea 4th Mutu drug used ephedrine reported by there manager for attacking him in training he got sacked Moreno also got sacked for ringing the testers Mutu had scored 14 goals with half a season left Chelsea got fined 60,000 for ringing the tester because it was random testing at the time Mutu has failed drug test twice since stating weight problems just like Toure. Its not me who is a moron mate but the fucking cheaters i no 100 percent are using Tempo top up Just look at England in the second half slow tempo the reason why they are saving there high tempo for three points in the premiership. Just look at Newcastle they sold there best players and look where they are Wolves wont be lacking in energy i no they stopped Utd when they where bottom last season?

  6. For now the team selection is difficult.For the future,sell Defoe and buy Leandro,when Sandro is back we will have a team ready to challenge anyone.Trust me Leandro is the only missing link to a great team.

  7. I am frustrated with defoe but to call him shit is unfair, played in 442 with Ade he will look alot better. he has the ability to score 15-25 goals in a season with the right coaching and selection – depends if harry delivers this too? COYS

  8. Definitely start Ade and Defoe up front, Defoe was so sharp against City when he came on and if it wasn’t for Joe Hart he could have had 2 or 3 goals. Maybe weaker opposition will help Defoe prove he is worst a starting place.

    • Thats just it…weaker opposition needed for Defoe to score…he will score 5 in one match against inferior opposition and not again for 10 matches and still prances about as if he is a top striker…was at the home game against West Ham last season and anyone that still thinks Defoe is a good option as a striker after his wasteful performance that day is delusional.

      • Agreed… no Defoe until he realizes all his blunders. Can somebody make him watch all the vids, please… Wonder why Redknapp refused to swap him with Gary Cahill. Aaaaaarrrghhh…!!!!

  9. Seeing as VDV is out for a while, this is what I think would work best.

    Walker Dawson Kaboul BAE
    Lennon Modric Parker Bale
    Pav Adebayor

    4-4-2 got us CL last time, so why not this season?

  10. (Favored/Backup)





    We don’t need to rely on VdV scoring with Ade, so replace Lennon who is inconsistent/ineffective.

    Modric doesn’t need to worry about defense with Parker/Sandro behind him, so he can send his wonderful passing to Bale/VdV/Ade for the assist rather than being too removed from a threat on goal.

    Kranjcar looks good in the middle as a backup AM more than a outside mid with no pace. Use him, though — as a 60th minute sub to rest Modric when we’re doing well even if not starting him consistently.

    Rose/Livermore are the future — use them when we can to get them experience now. They won’t magically become amazing players when they turn 24/25… we need gradually bring them in when we can afford to so they get that experience.

    Ade/Falque — I believe both have options (at least Falque) to buy — this could be better than having bought them outright since we’ll see if they fit the team well BEFORE getting stuck with (potential) deadweight.


  11. Daniel makes a lot of sense particularly with Sandro and Parker holding and creating a defense. This CM combo can lend itself to a lone striker (Ade) with two wide or a two man attack suggest Ade and Modric – if Modric is to really add value he has to become more Messi like! So play 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1 the team is the same… Shelf Esteem – I agree! And Geordiespur – how about: –

    Adebayor, Adebayor-oor,
    He hates the Arsenal,
    And we want him to score!

    Its simple and we can sing that louder than any other mob.

  12. We have 3 dedicated strikers in ADE,JD & PAV plus GIO ( who seriously needs to be considered to be played). With 3 changes allowed, we should bring in Les Ferdinand to help Harry in selecting the strike force!! Don’t you agree ?

  13. After last season I don’t want to see Pav or Defoe start unless it is enforced.
    We should play Adebayor alone up front with an attacking midfield rather than waste a team place on passenger strikers.
    Simple really, Bale and Lennon force defences deep, Adebayor forces them out, one or other will have space as a result.

  14. Adebeyor (Target Man)

    Bale/ Lennon (Flying Wingers)

    VDV (Lampard role – deep smashing em in)

    Modric + Sandro / Parker (2 centre mids)

    Walker / Akotto (Fullbacks)

    King (canny believe it – would love a season from him ! rocked against liverpool )+ Gallas – Centrebacks


    1 Leandro Damaio or Huntelaar (jan signing, sell pav)
    2 Dos Santos (will play) or Coulibaye (will come up early – too good!) – both can play as striker or cover on wings.
    3 Kranjcar or Pienaar
    4 Huddelstone
    5 Dawson or Cahill (depending if we buy in jan)
    6 Kaboul (can play FB or CB)
    7 New Young Keeper ? – Sell Gomes in Jan too unreliable

    will rotate squad – like the look of ceballos + Falque with Coulibaye will hopefully continue to impress!


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