There’s no official word from the club as yet but reports elsewhere suggests that three players are returning to fitness and are looking to start the game on Saturday lunchtime.

Clint Dempsey, Tom Huddlestone and Benoit Assou-Ekotto are all pushing for a place while Scott Parker may also be included after three consecutive sub appearances.

BAE back on the left seems more likely to happen now – despite being threatened for several weeks. That would leave Jan Vertonghen free to switch back to his preferred position but who will partner him? William Gallas didn’t look particularly mobile at the end of the game at Villa Park on Wednesday – less so than usual.

AVB might like to bring Clint back in but who would miss out? Similarly – would Scott Parker oust Sandro in a game that could be more physical than the Villa encounter? Sandro first came to many fans’ attention at the Stadium of Light two seasons ago and this has all the makings of a game where we need him most.

Dempsey for Dembele could be the only change – unless AVB switches back to 4-2-3-1 – here’s our team but what’s your view?



    • Like this lineup-
      the 4-4-2 hasn’t been working that well -I like going back to 1 striker.

      Eventually I’d like to see a lineup with Sandro-Parker and Dembele in together. Siggy also has looked solid lately off the bench

      Dembele looked a little hobbled comingn out -could game to rest him or have him late.

      Hudd can sit he’s not good enough

  1. 4-4-2
    Walker, Dawson, vertonghen, BAE
    Lennon, Parker, dembele, bale
    Adebayor, Defoe.

    Subs: friedel, gallas, Sandro, Dempsey, siggy, huddle stone, naughton

  2. Pleaseeee AVB Dont Play Gallas !

    SPURS XI /

    Walker – Dawson – Vert – BAE
    Sandro – Dembele
    Lennon – Siggy – Bale

  3. Personally I wouldn’t be too quick to put BAE straight back in he wasn’t even on the bench against Villa, depends on his fitness, but he is our best left back. Mix up between Dawson and Calker to replace Gallas. In Midfield I would play Parker Sandro and Dembele in midfield and push Dembele slightly further up the field. Adebayor was poor against Villa so have defoe up top on his own

  4. Lloris, walker, vertonghen, Dawson, bae, Lennon, Sandro, dembele, bale, sig, Defoe 4-4-1-1
    Sig has looked effective past couple of sub appearances and with a stubborn Sunderland defence he could unlock things

  5. Hopefully dembele will play. If not maybe parker in to support sandro with ade dropping into the hole is how i think AVB will go as he has been conned into this 442 that just isnt working against the top teams or solid defence. Personally, i hope avb drops ade. He has been our worst every week, and was not involved in any of the 4 goals against villa, and never looked like scoring. I would love to see a 4-2-3-1 with parker and sandro holding and push dembele further forward in support of defoe. Parker was great when he came on against villa, his composure and experience really noticable on the team. Naughton did nothing wrong and although not a left back, i actually think hes been safer than walker, and his assist for defoe was first class- i would leave him in. Vertongen and caulker in the middle sticking tight to Fletcher. Should be a good game – COYS!

  6. Would love yo see us use dembele further up thé pitch. Lloris,;walker,dawson, caulker, verts; sandro, Parker; lennon, dembele, bale;defoe. Coys

  7. Looking at the opposition we don’t need to be so defensive, having said that this is my team.
    Rb Walker Cb vertongen Cb Caulker Lb Ekotto
    Cdm Parker
    Rw Lennon Cm Dembele Lw Bale
    Atcm Sigurdsson
    St Defoe.

  8. ———————Loris———————–





    Subs –

  9. —————–Lloris———————
    Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, Naughton
    ——Lennon, Dembele, Bale————

  10. Bizarre decision to put Dempsey in centre midfield there by the author…. If Dembele out then we have to play Parker or Hudd (if fit). We need to give Parker game time because sooner or later Sandro will need a rest, or he will break down, or will wane. Parker is the obvious one to replace/cover.

  11. intresting to see peoples ideas, for me i’d like to see

    walker dawson vertongen naughton
    parker demeble
    lennon siggi bale

    adeyebor has been useless this season. i too would like to see dembele play further up the field (he never played such a defensive roll for fulham) but sandro has played every game so far so give the guy a break and allow siggi to start a game, he’s looked impressive from the bench, avb hasnt rushed parker back, and I cant see he will rush benny back either so expect naughton at left back, who is getting better and better, even playing out of postion

    if dempsey has been injured, dont chuck him in ahead of siggi, who’s clearly been working hard in training

    p.s excuse my spelling

    • I agree that Siggy deserves a start. His attitude and celebration in setting up Bale – even tho the game was won by then – was nice to see. You are right in noticing AVB’s trait of never dropping players straight back in. Even new signings do not go straight in. Regarding Ade, I think that it might be worth using Ade in home games, and Siggy/Dempsey instead when away.

      • fair comment regarding ade, and i do agree with you, dont get me wrong on his day he’s a wonderful player who i enjoy, we just havent seen the best of him this year yet, 15 mins at arsenal thats about it lol.

  12. Funny that a lot of us slated Harry for NOT using the squad properly, and yet when these ‘pick your team’ forums come up, it’s the SAME old names on the team-sheet, week in-week-out!
    With that being said, my team would be:


    Naughton Gallas Caulker Vertonghen

    Parker Dembele/ Huddlestone

    Lennon Sigurdsson Bale


    Freshen it up a bit, with Naughton moving to RB after hios fine assist for Defoe’s Goal. Vertonghen, AT THE MOMENT, seems to play better at LB. He was poor in the middle against Villa!

    Parker comes into partner Dembele central midfield and give Sandro a well deserved rest. Sigurdsson looks to be finding some form after impressive cameo performances against Fulham, Swansea, Everton and Villa. Ade to hold ball up in lone striker. IF Dembele is not fit, give Hudd the chance to spray ball and pick passes in Moussa place.

  13. For this match it makes no sense to rest Sandro – he is our rock and foundation – he can have his rest next weekend against Coventry. At that time we will need to rest Vertonghen, Walker and Lennon all of whom have played virtually very game.

    I do think it is time Scotty started so to allow Dembele the chance to push up into the central attacking midfield position in our 4231 formation.

    Question is who to start up top – Defoe has been on fire whilst Ade has been deployed in a role far deeper than he normally does – maybe this game should be his opportunity to show what he can do as lone star/striker.

    At the back, cannot see why Benny should start when he hasn´t even been on the bench. So I would go with

    Walker – Dawson – Vertonghen – Naughton
    Sandro – Parker
    Lennon – Dembele – Bale

    It won´t be as I never get it right

  14. I think it makes very good sense to start BAE, if fully fit of course.
    City played down the middle for 90 min. and got nothing.
    We need to attack on the wings all game. (of course everything in moderation)
    So to have the partnership of BAE and Bale on one flank, and Walker (who hopefully will start to show his best very soon) and Lennon on the other is a must.
    Verthongen picks himself in the center. And in my opinion Dawson should be picked when playing against a rather psysical side like Sunderland.
    Dembele is the star SPURS player so far this season, so if his hip is ok, he should start alongside Parker or Huddlestone to give Sandro a break. I would love to see The Thudd back, but that pairing looks a bit weak going backwards.
    And no doubting that Ade should partner Defoe upfront.
    I can not believe you people who think that Ade should be dropped. He still gives so much to our offensive play. Needs another 10% to be back at world class level though. Another reason to play him.


  15. I fancy Dawson to be given a start against a physical team like Sunderland. He is tall and strong and solid at the back and has aerial skills. Sandro has been doing so well that he must also be given a starting place with Parker coming in later. As for Adebayor, I have my doubts. Good as he is, he has not been all that impressive recently. I find him too slow if not lazy at times, but they could have been his bad days..


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