Franco Baldini has long been linked with a role as Director of Football at Spurs and the claims took a step closer to reality with the news that the 52 year old has left his post as Director General of Serie A side Roma.

Here’s the Italian club’s statement on the matter.

“We thank Franco Baldini for his service to AS Roma over the past two seasons,” said President James Pallotta.

“He played an important role in the launch of our project. We wish him well in his future endeavours.”

Tottenham’s head coach Andre Villas-Boas has previously indicated that he would welcome a Director of Football at the club so does this make Baldini’s appointment a formality? The press seem to think that an announcement is imminent but what will the Italian bring to the club?

Baldini is being credited with bringing several young players into Real Madrid and Roma, many of whom have blossomed into World Class talent. Fernando Gago, Gonzalo Higuain, Marcelo, Pjanic, Osvaldo, Krkic – the list goes one although it does include Mido.

Keep watching the feeds and although this may be premature, many are expecting an announcement from Tottenham’s official website very soon.



  1. Is this the chap who is gonna get us goals? No? What is the point in having a technical director if there is no money to spend. Bringing certain players to Real Madrid is one thing. Bringing them to Tottenham is another matter.
    Bringing top South American and the like is virtually impossible due to our employment regulations etc. that is why we see these youngsters go to Italy, Spain, etc etc etc. so unless Mr Levy is in the position to change the rules then we can rule out bringing these type of youngsters.
    Now that we’ve got that out of the way we can get back to reality. That reality is that when top prospects mature they cost a lot of money. Do we have that money? It appears not! So Baldini is a bit of a pointless exercise.

    • u call yourself a fan of the club??? what an utter disgrace, u seem to be the sorta “fan” who’ll belittle or rule out anything we do, the sooner idiots like u do 1 and “support” another club the better off we’ll be, negative idiot

    • Thanks for that. It’s reality mate. Joe Lewis didn’t get his money for nothing. He’s not in the habit of wasting it. So we must do our best with what we have. All this nonsense about Hulk, soldado etc is pie in the sky. If fans accepted reality then we would be far better off. Expecting that which is unachievable will bring about these signings. It creates an atmosphere of silliness and expectation beyond the capability of our club.

      • so what was your take on west ham managing to reel in mascherano or tevez, what bout Norwich who have just managed to reel in van wolfswinkel whos now a well known n popular player in euro footy, I grant you its called impossible for a reason…doesn’t mean the impossible never happens

        • Ah Tevez! He’s the great who stayed for how long? And the other chap fucked off pretty sharpish too did he not!

        • I think you will find that the impossible does never happen. As soon as it happens it clearly is possible isn’t it.
          But it is possible for us to sign some top players. We have a great squad and ok we have less money that the money bags clubs but we also have more money and better future prospects than most.

      • If u listen carefully avb states when asked about hulk he says he would love to have him but he would be too expensive he also states we have to do r transfers and scouting the right way because we ain’t the kind of club that can compete with chelsea Madrid Manchester when it comes to finance, so it actually looks like u believe the papers more than ne1 because r manager the man that matters knows exactly what he can work with and knows what needs to be done, also remember baldini is there to take some of the stress of levy when it comes to transfers and also I doubt he gets to where he is and the reputation of finding these players without picking up some excellent football contacts. So instead of moaning about what u read in the papers get behind the team and support them in what they do. COYS

  2. This guy is good. You don’t get the jobs he has for no reason and like someone else has already said he’ll bring experience and most importantly contacts! If we get him I will be pleased as its another step forward for player recruitment for the first team and assessing our youth also. I’m really starting to like the way tottenham are being run. Everything to be a top European team but a stadium will be in place if we get this guy! Too many negative supporters here, lighten up and look at the big picture…

  3. Great hope we bring in damiao following this and villa would be nice or maybe we will pick up Darren hell bent to prove himself on the cheap on deadline day loool


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