
Mauricio Pochettino has suggested Tottenham will sign “a few players” before next month’s deadline, but claims the club is being calm and quiet on the transfer front for a reason.

Speaking to ESPN while on a break from training in the USA, Pochettino revealed that next season will be a big challenge for Spurs because of the move to Wembley coupled with the big spending of the Premier League’s other top clubs.

He went on to discuss Tottenham’s lack of transfer business and explained why the club has been so quiet in the transfer market this summer.

“We are so calm and so quiet because we believe in our squad and our youngsters that are pushing from the academy,” said the Argentine. “We will add maybe a few players. But we are so calm because I think we have a very good team and the most important thing for us always is the team.”

He added: “We are in a different philosophy [to the other top clubs]. It’s not because we can’t invest. We believe in the way that we play and we work.”

You can watch the full interview below.



  1. sounds like words of our mr levy if they new walker was leaving could of had a replacment on the cards but no another bad transfer window

  2. All club sell and buy player. Not a big deal selling Walker to MC. Just wait till the last transfer day. If there is no new signing, MP would have Plan B.

  3. Kyle Walker Peters is being looked at as a straight replacement for Kyle Walker. Yes we will miss KW’s speed and experience but I don’t feel salty about the transfer. Possibly because Trippier looked like the first choice right back towards the end of last season.

  4. Youth is great and has worked wonders for us, but experience carries team in the premier league and champions league as we found out last year. Levy by 3 big names and let poch build the youngster around them!!!

  5. He hasn’t revealed anything and all this Levy knocking bollocks gets on my tits. Maybe you should have had a taste of Irving Scholar telboy.

  6. spot on poch why buy overpriced players just to please the media – all we need is afew good young players to bolster the first team squad and give us options

  7. So the manger says its gonna be a tough season ahead .. Dos that mean another trophy less season .. Champions Chelsea are buying too make them e e. Better .so if spurs don’t buy anyone it means were gonna get further behind them .. We couldn’t cope with champions league last season because we didn’t have any players with champions league experience .. Its yet again levey taking us one step forward and two steps back .. Please go now levey and take Joe lewis with you …


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