So 2-0 up against a team that is already relegated and it seems just a matter of how many goals we’ll win by. By the end of the game we’ve lost 4-2. Welcome back Tottenham… we’ve missed you whilst you were gone.

The players really did have the minds on the World Cup/Champions League/summer holidays in that second half. Fair enough I suppose. They’ve already done far more than was expected of them.

Having said that, you can’t imagine Chelsea or Manchester United doing the same thing in similar circumstances. We’ve come a long, long way, but there is still a long way to go. It takes time to create a culture at a club, where winning becomes second nature and losing is something that can’t be stomached.

If we want to look at areas of the squad that we need to bolster for next season, this game showed some up. Alnwick for example, doesn’t look as if he’ll ever be remotely commanding enough to warrant being our second or even third choice goalkeeper.

The goals were pretty much all down to ball-watching from our full backs. For Kaboul that is somewhat forgivable considering that he’s not really a right back and we have to make sure that we’re not in the same situation next year, with him as our only back up to Corluka.

In the case of Benoit Assou Ekotto, it’s more troubling. He’s had a decent season and is generally solid enough, but whilst he’s quite possibly the most improved player at the club, that improvement came from a starting point of being considered quite hopeless. I don’t think we’ll be looking for his replacement in the summer, but if we’re to progress, then it wouldn’t surprise me if he were to be jettisoned sometime in the not too distant future. He’s not and never will be top class.

Once again it was also a game when we struggled to find a balanced partnership up front that would serve us well away from home. Our goals came from midfield and we need more of a contribution from that area next season. Modric’s strike was probably his best for the club and he needs to get in those positions more often and hit the ball like he did yesterday, rather than his normal scuffed efforts. If Bale ends up playing a full season for us, then there’s no reason to think that he couldn’t hit double figures.

Perhaps it’s a good thing to end the season on a slight downer. It will after all, remind Harry of the frailties that still exist within the side, though I’m sure he’s already got them noted.

The defeat couldn’t take the gloss off what has been a great season. It’s not often that a World Cup can be viewed as a distraction, but I for one can’t wait to get the quarter-final loss on penalties out of the way and get back to the serious and enticing prospect of watching us improve even further next season.



  1. Address the weaknesses now. Ekotto’s 1st half of season was great, then his injury came and never looked the same after that. Sorry, but we must strengthen there to give us the option of Bale playing midfield or full-back. To those who think that Bale must play midfield – I think we need to switch him from time to time. The last 2 games (and vs Sunderland) show that when in midfield, he gets double-teamed and is rendered less effective. As a result, the rest of team has one less opponent, so no bad thing. But if you NEED that extra running with the ball threat, he seems to do that more frequently from full back – because you can’t double team him when there also is a left-midfielder. Also get new back-up keeper (could Cudicini recover?), and back-up right full-back, and a new top striker. Possibly replace Bentley.

  2. Since when was Ekotto considered “quite hopeless” and who by
    yourself maybe! Ekotto has been superb this season and I for one would be very upset to loose him ,as Harry said earlier this season he must be in the top five best LB’s in the country and I agree with him .Quality left backs are very hard to find .

    • Yes, Jim. I can confirm that it was me that initially thought that BAE was hopeless. I think this thought popped into my head when he was being absolutely ripped apart by Freddie Ljungberg.

      As I said, he’s now pretty solid, but I wonder how long he’ll be considered good enough.

  3. This is the problem with our supporters i have warned you every week except this week . About half time comebacks and teams looking dead being resurrected with Energy in the second Half both managers where baffled except me i forcast my beloved Spurs would be overrun and beaten. But even i was shocked by the score . Just look at the faces of Burnley players and you will see they all look scalded and have glowing faces a clear sine of a certain killer substance if used to much hence the second half comebacks . This is due mainly to sudden deaths by mixing Caffeine and energy supplement formed a deadly cocktail . I have had two yeras of trying to stop this abuse and we nearly lost our place in the premiership through this abuse ,The very same year we where struggling was the year i stumbled on this drug Ephedrine amongst others and was left staggered by the admission of the women who i spoke to from uk sport she said its rife but we cant catch them so i asked why when i had reported a top team she said they take just enough to keep under the radar was what she said a mind boggling statement and one witch has ruined my second half of games .We dident help the situation by getting blind drunk in the week and some bad Goalkeeping so please you are right about Ekotto but dont be fooled by Burnley and the other shocks because i was not and no the real reason for second half comebacks and Laws saying we past the ball quicker is another word for we up our Tempo . Keep the faith in our squad because i will keep my Campaign to stop this Killer drug being used because West brom Newcastle and Possible Blackpool will be coming up from the Championship where a goalkeeper is the only one to be caught .They like Burnley cant buy big will use the equalizer to win games like when both of these beat us at there place and like Burnley had not won for 11 games

  4. Next season will be tough for spurs but if we want champs league,domestic cup,and a shot at league thats how it is and we need to start preparing now.There is no doubt the defence needs to be looked at we do not know if woody can play again,or king can cope with the extra pressure of more games,both the full back positions need extra cover.Injuries and suspensions will occur.We also need to tinker a bit with the striking options some of ours are not prolific enough,and even allowing for loss of form,or off days we need a sriker to hit over 20 goals a season and the rest into double figures easily.They are out there but can we get them,finally another midfielder of the Palacios type only better a never say die general dare i say in the Roy keane mould.COME ON DAN AND HARRY WE ARE NEARLY THERE.New stadium,some new players,new mentality AUDERE EST FACERE WELL NOW IS THE TIME TO DO

  5. Col, my man – we have already bought Sandro – who is of the combative midfielder style. He is still young, so how much of an impact he will make is a mystery. As for centre back, a tactic could be to play King in the Champions League and rest him for other games barring those BIG league games. Woodgate, we can only pray. However with Daws and Bassong, I think centre back is a lower priority than a striker, and full back cover.

  6. BUY:
    1. Philipp Lahm
    2. Michel Bastos
    3. Joe Cole
    4. Lukas Podolski
    5. Any Diarra that plays in midfield

    1. Jenas
    2. Keane
    3. Nerd O’Hara
    4. Hutton

    That is all for now.

  7. Totally disagree on BAE. He did take a game or two to get back to full fitness, but has been outstanding in the games that really counted, as has Kaboul … I do agree about Alnwick though, who inspires no confidence in me whatsoever, even as a third choice keeper … Priorities for the off-season? As Harry says, the squad is very strong and there is quality cover in almost every position, except for back-up goalkeeper. I completely agree with the theory of signing one world class player, if possible, who would raise the bar to another level a la Fernando Torres. I also think Harry might try and add Lassana Diarra to the midfield. Departures? Jenas, Hutton, O’Hara and Keane. I don’t believe any of the loaness are actually in Harry’s plans.

  8. I just feel sorry for the poor bastards who travelled to Burnley.

    I know it didn’t matter, but it’s taken the gloss off a bit.


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