As always, it’s been difficult to sort through all the transfer rumours and make any informed decision as to which of them may be true. However, according to Everton manager David Moyes, Spurs did make a concrete bid for Steven Pienaar.

On Friday afternoon, Sky Sports gave us the breaking news that talks between Everton and Chelsea had broken down and that the player would be making a move to a major European club imminently. On Saturday, Sky Sports website seemed to believe that club was Spurs.

Pienaar has Champions League experience and played alongside Rafael Van der Vaart at Ajax. Harry was claimed to have ‘admired’ him as he tends to do with every other player in the Premier League, but this time it all seemed to fit.

Fast forward to Monday morning and the Chelsea move seems back on. Moyes claims that the Chelsea bid has been accepted, whereas our bid simply wasn’t enough and therefore we did not have permission to talk to the player.

Football is full of u-turns and it would surprise nobody if Spurs came back in the frame for Steven Pienaar, but do we really need him and does this suggest that we will be signing someone in his position this month?



  1. If we wanted him that much and Harry really rated him I am sure we could easily of increased our bid. I am a very dissapointed to here from harry that we will probably not be bringing anyone in this window. We so need a striker who is like a good lover, a big strong man who can slide it in regularly, even form the tightest of angles. Know what I mean boys?

  2. I cannot believe we are going to loose Pinaar for the sake of £1million. It doesn’t make sense to me. A quality player like that for £3million is a no brainer. Lennon & Bale aren’t going to play every game and he can cover for Mod in the center as well.

  3. It isn’t that we cannot afford him! there is some dodgy dealing going on here, Chelsae’s manager has said he did not bid for him, so someone else at Chelsea has put the bid in!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
    That is the reason the Rednapp has said he wont comment on why Chelsea put a bid in for him because Rednapp knows that Ancheloti doesn’t fancy him as a player!
    Someone else at Chelsea has made a bid over Anchelotis head or they are just trying to mess with our plans, everyone knows in football that the deal between player and Spurs was done in the summer thats the reason no other clubs have come in for him.
    Pienaar will tell Everton hes going to Spurs either now for £2m or in 4 months for free!
    Everton are just pissed off we tried to get cover for Hutton by nabbing Nevill as Corluka will be sold to Liverpool!

  4. three reason why spurs won’t buy (1) difficult finding players to take spurs to next level (2) levy not keen to give harry money if off in the summer (3) Jose Mourinho you all may think this crazy,but if we get the nod for Olympics stadium and harry go to take ill fated England job Jose who’s keen to come back to uk /London may be high on spurs board list of managers he would be idea manager to take over great squad

  5. So sick of hearing about Beckham and Pienaar.
    Both I don’t care if we sign or not. I feel like this is like all other news where there are really important issues but instead we are bombarded with irrevelance.
    Lets move onto something we really need which is a striker or two please Spurs.

  6. Although Palacios has improved recently to the half way decent level, given the fact that he still guarantees a yellow card each time he steps on to grass and the fact that he still can’t shoot on target but still makes the starting 11 means we have to do some business in this transfer window if we want anything from this season other than 5th spot. I would have thought the overall improvement of the team and our league/CL success would have attracted a few more names this month. Let’s hope Muntari is not yet out of the picture. Modric needs a buddy in the middle of the park and it ain’t Wilson. A shame as if Hudders was not injured we may not have this issue.
    I’m not really bothered about Pinhead either. Let Chelsea have him. He’s another Bennayoun waiting to happen.


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