Unlike John Bostock who we discussed yesterday, Andros Townsend doesn’t seem to have too many issues with loan deals and that looks to be another likely scenario for next season.

Since 2009, Andros has played for 6 different loan clubs and made a decent impression wherever he has been. As a winger, he also seems to chip in with valuable goals for all his clubs and of course, he scored on his debut for Spurs against Charlton in the FA Cup.

Townsend is 20 on Saturday, six months older than Bostock and while it seems likely that he will be out on loan again in 2011-12, should we be looking to him to make the step up to the Premier League? Any of the new boys, Swansea, Norwich or QPR could be good destinations. Alternatively, should he stick with a Championship outfit for now?

The other option of course is to stick him in the Spurs squad – have we seen enough of him in his once appearance to date to justify that? Just what is the next move in the footballing career of Andros Townsend?



  1. We should be loaning him to someone like Bolton under the stewardship of Owen Coyle in readiness of breaking into the first team in the 2012/2013 season. I reckon Townsend has a bright future at Spurs.

  2. I’d like to keep him here for Europa league. Should we get knocked out, or we progress far and leave him behind, then we should loan him out in 2nd half of season. Should Wigan sell Charles N’Zogbia, then maybe there is a spot there that he could fight for.

  3. If it’s difficult to find suitable signings this season, then the next best option is to filter these youngsters into the first team. We have many fixtures to gauge & experiment their potential.

  4. As much as i think the player has talent I dont think he’s quite at the level of keeping out Martin Petrov or replacing Nzogbia. He has potential but would be best served with a team that will guarentee him games in the championship. Seems very grounded and always looks to make things happen. take note Bostock!!

    • You may well be right about that. Wigan are used to replacing players with inferior ones. Townsend can play on the other side too so he could play with Petrov. At Bolton, Petrov played 22 games, so there were 16 games that he was unfit/unavailable for. Townsend has played 68 games at lower level. When Bale came, he had something line 40-60 games under his belt too. No is the time for some Premier league/Europa league action for the kid.

  5. He is 20 and should be making his mark now, either with a Prem side on loan of in our side playing in the cups and pushing for a place form the bench. This is the only way to see if he has got what it takes at this level. We wasted O hara so lets not do the same with Andros, he is a smart cookie, and maybe a little sexy on the sideHHXX

  6. Lend him out to a PL club. I am not sure what happened to Livermore but he & Bostock should get a last fling in the Championship before we give up totally.

  7. You’ ve done enough to convince me, i didnt realise he had played that many games in the lower leagues. lets get him playing at Norwich or someone like that, would be great to see our younsters scattered around the PL so that we can properly monitor their progress – COYS


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