t may be good news for most Spurs fans as David Beckham has finally ruled out any future move back to the Premier League.

Beckham spent the start of the year at Spurs Lodge getting fit ahead of the new MLS campaign and there were various rumours as to whether the club were trying to get him into the squad at this stage.

Following on from this, there were strong suggestions that Harry Redknapp would go back in for Beckham once the latest US campaign was over but the player has had this to say,

“I have always said I have played for the biggest club in England and I wouldn’t like to play against them,” Beckham said. “I am 36 and still feel good and fresh but I can’t see it happening.

“The Tottenham thing didn’t happen for a reason. I only want to be known as a Manchester United player and that’s the way it will stay.”

So that appears to be the end of it and to be fair, few supporters will be sorry.



  1. thank god for that! there s one pensioner that harry cant bring back. if we wanted a crosser/free kick taker Bentley would be back in the side. thanks but no thanks

    • The twat is you my son. Harry has been bringing through talented young players and managing football clubs since before you were boorn and so poorly raised by you benefit class scumbag piece of shit drain on society parents. Why don’t you look up the word support in a dictionary and until then fuck off to be a gooner if you want to do something positive for Spurs, you nasty little cunt hair crab!

      • Finally a fellow fan NOT looking to slag off our own club’s staff and players. Makes a change from wanker like spursince82 dominating all the blogs. What a bunch of numpties! Nice one!

  2. Exactly, I cringe when I see us linked with ageing players like Peckham, Parker, Bellamy, Neville, Berbatov, etc. And the latest Drogba–an ageing prima donna doing his dying swan act— who Chelsea would love to get off their books.

    The future is youth and Spurs need to realise that and start playing some of the outstanding youngsters they have, not create the pensioners–that is Chelsea’s niche.

  3. Im a bit sorry not to have the most famous footballer in the world coming to our club but its probably a good thing as he is probably past it now and having wasted his last good years playing football in the second rate yank league he wouldnt be up to premiership football again.

  4. The reason it didn’t happen was his club wouldn’t allow it. It wasn’t his decision. Still, as you say, I’m glad he’s put this to bed. We’re still trying to get rid of Beckham II. Why get the original back?

  5. I personally never fancied him joining Spurs at this point in time as he is ageing and well past his peak. Let us, instead, focus our attention on younger players with potential and loyalty to the club.. If Beckham prefers to associate himself with his old club, Manchester United, so be it.

  6. Thank god for that my arssse, you fans are such mugs, you can’t score he would supply.

    He didn’t wanna join you just accept it you mugs

  7. Jimmy the nose.Why is it all gooner fans make inempt comments,lacking in either thought or any sense of brain power.But than thank you for confirming what most of us think about gooners.Total morons,coupled with your arrogannce makes for a very poor human being.

  8. I have great respect for Beckham as a pro and as a dude, but his playing days are long gone (at least at PL level)and, to be honest I was never a huge fan of his playing style anyway. IMO a winger has to be able to carry the ball past opposition players at times and Beckham simply didn’t have that tool in his box at all. Supposedly a superb trainer and a wonderful attitude though, along with a phenomenal ability to strike a dead ball. Any club could do a lot worse than recruite him as a coach, as some have suggested. I’m sure he would have a lot to offer, especially to the younger players.

  9. Signing Beckham would have meant an increase in our income and exposure around the world. Would have been a good signing to come on and hold onto a lead. Scholes and Giggs can still perform so there is no reason why Beckham couldn’t.


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