The prognosis on Rafael van der Vaart’s latest injury is better than at first feared and it seems that the Dutchman could well be fit for Monday night’s game with Aston Villa. VDV suffered the problem during Holland’s friendly with Switzerland and was subsequently withdrawn from the Dutch squad to face Germany.

However, according to a number of sources including Sky Sports and the Daily Mail, the injury is slight and the player himself is hopeful of not missing out on any club football.

Meanwhile, it looks increasingly likely that Harry Redknapp will be there to take VDV off around the hour mark as a source close to the manager has hinted at a clean bill of health.

‘Harry is in great form and good shape,’ says the ‘source’.’ He loves being Tottenham manager and is enjoying the football they are playing. He can’t wait to get back to work.’

The prolonged international break has given both manager and players extra time to recover and it’s starting to look as if familiar faces will be back on the pitch and in the dugout on Monday.



  1. This is bad news because we cant keep holding on sooner or later out luck will run out. We beat Fulham without Vaarts goals and Harry should have realised the balance of the team is not right, 4411 OR 451 is okay in the slower Ufa and Champs league but not in the badly policed over energized premiership. The second half is where games are won and lost even Arsenal 4-0 at half time was not enough last season. . This attack is okay in the slower first half Lennon Modric Parker Bale Van Adybut in the energy surge second half it struggles too keep the ball and attack , We lost the ball in the second half and conceded seven corners 11 shots on goal and gave the ball away constantly Walker Ekotto Kaboul Modric Ady all gave the ball away cheaply. Modric and Van left the dazed Parker too police the misfield alone. By the time Defoe and Sandro came on we was hanging on and Defoe settled our frazzled nerves we have not bean comfortable since the Wolves game and Van taking Defoes place Ady has no goals and is another victim of Haarr’ys 4411 or 451

    • I agree w/ ya w/ the cheapness of the way we gave the ball away at Fulham……….

      Even before Kaboul dropped the OG, he dropped a cheap giveaway that led to the corner.

      And A&E……..I dont know how many times when he is in possession……….a simple pass is needed to a teammate………..he shoots it down the field 30 yards giving it away. Yo A&E – Crouch got sold months ago………..let it sink in

  2. This is good news. We need them both back asap. I’m going for a Spurs win. Villa have lost lots of top players and we should be able to keep our run going.

  3. VDV was shite vs Fulham…………….he looked like he was dropping a jog in the park not playing a Derby.

    Roll w/ Defoe if VDV can’t go………I dont see a problem w/ that since were at the Lane and should be able to take care of the biz.

    And I agree we should give Sandro a start too………..W/ Parker not playing today, he can get a full two weeks off to recuperate.


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