Full team news for Monday night’s game at Aston Villa will be available nearer to kick off but in the interim, Spurs’ assistant Joe Jordan has stated that Rafael van der Vaart is currently 75% fit as he battles to make the starting XI.

“Rafa trained on Wednesday and from what the medical team are saying he’s at 75 per cent,” said Joe.

“That’s good, but we have to get him from 75 per cent to 100 per cent, we’ll have to take it day to day and we do have a few days with the game on Monday.

“He’s got a chance, but it is important that there is no recurrence of the injury.”

Rafa will be desperate to play against a side that saw him score three times in two matches last season and it looks as though he stands a good chance of featuring for part of the game at least.



  1. Side i would like to play Villa without VDV






    Think Villa are a strong team offensively Bent and Gabby (if fit ) would give us problems if were to open if we need too we can always bring on Defoe second half for some more attacking iputus if needed…… Thoughts

  2. If Vdv is fit I would play him and give Modders a rest as he has played two games for Croatia. Put him on the bench then if required bring him on. Or even play JD instead of Vdv. Def would start with Sandro. I am not sure Harry realsies how good this guy is and he will get better. We do not wnat to loose him.


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