One player tends to dominate the Spurs headlines this morning and that is the Lille midfielder Eden Hazard. Some areas of the press have even claimed that terms have been agreed ahead of a summer transfer and while the 21 year old Belgian international has denied this, he has made positive noises towards a potential move at the end of the season.

The Daily Mail online seems to have started with a story claiming that Hazard had told friends that terms had been agreed but a later search for these comments drew a blank. Here’s what the player has to say on the subject,

‘Maybe it will be Tottenham. It is a great English club.

‘I said that I would go to England and there is very good players at Spurs.”

‘I have not yet signed. This is going to happen soon’.

Hazard then qualified his comments by suggesting that a move to La Liga is another option.

‘Spain is perhaps more my style of game but if I move there it must be to either Barcelona or Real Madrid.’

Maybe it’s all lost in translation to an extent and at a fee in the region of £35m, maybe Spurs would be priced out of the market in any event.



  1. It seems a bit mad to say that we’ll be signing this player when we don’t even know who the manager is going to be. There’s no way Levy would take that gamble on someone this expensive.

    Got to be nonsense.

  2. Exactly and signing this guy should be our third priority. First we got to pay Modric, then we have to see what we can do with Ade. After we get those things cleared up then we start thinking about Hazard. But that’s all that we will do think about him.

  3. Hi, I speak French and watched the interview on Belgian TV. He only mentioned Spain because the pundits suggested it. He agreed that it was perhaps better suited to his style, but cited the lack of competition in La Liga as a reason for his preference of England. He said England is where he can progress because even supposedly small games are

  4. Hi, I speak French and watched the interview on Belgian TV. He only mentioned Spain because the pundits suggested it. He agreed that it was perhaps better suited to his style, but cited the lack of competition in La Liga as a reason for his preference of England. He said England is where he can progress because even supposedly small games are so competitive.

    The only thing that does make me wonder is that the pundits and he spoke so highly of the manager – he is great for young players’ progression, very good motivator etc. They didn’t seem to realise that he is probably leaving. Which means Hazard can’t have looked that seriously into the possibility of joining Spurs. Possibly a ploy to get other clubs interested?

    Find me on twitter if you want to ask any more about it, it’s a 3 minute interview. @andrewgold1

    • Merci, Andrew. Always hard to draw conclusions from such an interview. Surely a good sign to have a top young player getting hot over Tottenham and Hazard would be wicked on the wing! Onwards and upwards!

  5. Hazard was being considerate when asked a question, not to say negative things about a potential destination. He has said on many occasions his favorite sides are Real Madrid and Arsenal. He will sign with Arsenal this summer and in 4 years, will be sold to Real Madris to be the successor to Ronaldo.

  6. I don’t believe the story is based on anything solid, but even if I did, 35 million is ridiculous for someone who’s not that great. Whenever I’ve seen him he hasn’t looked as good as some of the players we already have who can’t get a regular game – Kranjcar, for example. If Modric goes, he’s certainly no replacement. Ever Banega would be better.


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