The transfer rumour mills are in full swing and many are reporting that up to 11 Premiership Clubs are interested in signing Wolves winger Matt Jarvis. Others suggest that there are offers from abroad including one from Udinese but that Spurs are considered to be in pole position to land the 26 year old.

Jarvis broke into the England side in 2011 and made his debut against Ghana but to date has just that solitary cap to his name. Currently, he is some way off the present England squad but his performances at Molineux this season must have done something to catch the eye of Premiership scouts.

The reports suggest that while Udinese have offered £5m, Wolves are holding out for around £8m, but Chief Exec Jez Moxey has claimed that the club aren’t looking to sell Jarvis or Steven Fletcher.

‘We are in a position where we do not need to sell,’ Moxey said

Whether they will climb down from that statement remains to be seen but would Matt Jarvis be a good fit for Spurs?



  1. Good competition for Lennon, which is probably the same as most of the comments you’ll get…

    That is all though – useful coz he can play on both sides but there’s others I’d rather have first – Krasic, Hoilett, Moses to name but three…

  2. No we can`t look at ordinary league players we need to look above and beyond at players that are better than who we have at the present, sorry but Jarvis is not

      • Scott Parker and Demba Ba were relegated last season – and were 2 of the best players for top 5 teams this season.

      • Except Spursman is living in a dream world where we magic up a shed load of money, don’t compete with other clubs and sign half a dozen world class player to fill the squad with.

        • Not at all Bobble you mug. However there are better options than Hoilett and Jarvis out there. Scott Parker won player of the season didn’t he? We must have money as our outlay on transfers in 2 seasons has been pretty miniscule. We spent quite a bit on Modric and Bent, how can people claim we don’t have any money like that now? We weren’t in teh CL then either.

          • Who is the mug? If you think you can do better than Jarvis for under £10m I’d suggest it is you sir.

  3. Victor Moses!! proven record in premiere league, a fighter who kept Wigan up !! Krasic, Verthonghen, Remy, Damiao, Gordon, & Ady should do it!!

  4. Victor Moses for the left and either Jarvis or Hoilett for the right. I’d like to see Verthonghen, Damiao, Dembele, Ady and a LB to cover Benny.

    Caulker, Naughton Pienaar back from loan.

    Gone would be Bentley, Jenas, King (must be given a club role), Gomes, Bassong, GDS, Defoe, Nelson, Kranjaer (done nothing wrong but Harry doesn’t believe in him).

    Now if we had this squad Harry MUST rotate. The squad would be strong enough.

    • You should brace yourself for disappointment then, you’re talking about a spend of upwards of £50m, and recouping less than half for those lot.

      This isn’t how Levy operates.

      • Agreed……. I’ve based it on realistic targets, getting a good price for the deadwood (Levy special) and us spending.

        We haven’t spent big money for a while (10m+) and I assume we do have a kitty to spend.

        On my estimations we could get back 30m approx Bentley (4m), Jenas (4m), King (n/a), Gomes (n/a), Bassong (4m), GDS (5m), Defoe (10m), Nelson (n/a), Kranjaer (4m)

        so we would need to spend 36m approx Verthonghen (12m), Damiao (25m), Dembele (12m), Ady (12m) and a LB to cover Benny (5m).

        I’m not sure how the wages would work out and its on the assumption teams will buy the deadwood.

        But to dare is to do!!

        • Looks good — that’s more changes than I expect we’ll get done, but we can hope. You’re right that it’s been a while since we’ve spent any real money — we keep getting 30-year old players for free. Not bad, but not improving the squad.

          Hopefully we get Hudd back next season.

  5. Plenty of people who have not seen Jarvis play then!!!

    More goals this season then lennon, Moses, etc,
    More crosses then all of these….

    A class player in a struggling team……….and a winger who does more defending then attacking. Cant be bad!

    • A winger that does more defending than attacking? Sounds great. We should also sign defenders who spend more time attacking than defending.

    • you’ll be getting a great winger coming into is prime should be with england instead of downing more crosses,more assists,more goals than most wingers in the prem including lennon who only as speed no end product.

  6. He’s a good player. Looks dangerous on the ball, good quality crosses and a goal threat.

    Not good enough to start over Bale / Lennon, but can coverboth wings, so maybe a good back up. But have a few of those on the books already. If we can shift some deadwood he wouldnt be the worst signing. Him or Hoilett. Both decent enough as cover.

  7. He is a good fringe/squad addition. To say no because he was relegated is crazy, was Parker a bad idea?

      • No, but Jarvis scored one less than Bale – and Bale was given a free role at times – and Wolves only scored 40 goals overall. Jarvis is versatile, homegrown and more importantly relegated – so he is more likely to accept a less senior place in our squad. When you are looking to bolster your squad, you do not need the player of the year. I am not saying that we should sign him, but we need to be objective. We did not get 3rd due to lack of useful options in the squad. When Lennon, VDV, Ade were out, we had to change formation because we could not cover.

      • Retard can Matt Jarvis be on the every single area of the pitch at all times no!Jarvis can’t blame for Wolves relegation, just because a good player is on a bad team, doesn’t make him a bad player all of a sudden.

        Jarvis would be a cheap quality signing that will allow us to keep a shape a balance if Bale or Lennon aren’t fit. The only better signing would be Hoilett. Moses is a nice player but he seems very raw and overpriced.

  8. The rule about signing players is that we should only sign someone better than what we have currently thus pushing players already in the team for a starting place. If this guy is that good why are none of the other teams looking at him?

    • What rule is that? If you are Man City perhaps – where you can sign a player and forget the other one that you signed 8 months ago. Anyway – he IS a better option than Gio, Bentley and Kranjcar in a wide position – so he would be an improvement on the squad. How about good business? He is a good age, homegrown, up and coming – he will get better. If Barcelona sign Bale, is he better than what they have already? Probably not, but he has the potential to be. I have doubts that Jarvis will get that good, but I am trying to be objective.

    • Spursman you talk rubbish!!!! apparently a host of clubs are looking at him and without CL football Spurs won’t attract the star players you won’t. He would be very good back up for Bale or a role on the right wing. Scores more goals than Lennon and is much better at crossing the ball.

  9. People suggesting Moses are mental, trust me he will piss you off MUCH more than Jarvis 6 months from now.

    Just because Jarvis played for Wolves doesn’t automatically make him rubbish. Sure, I don’t think he’s as speedy as Lennon or as glamourous as Bale, but I for one would rather see him come on that Peinaar or Krancjar when these 2 need a break.

    Jarvis is a tidy player who has good final ball delivery, so I think he’d be a good signing.

  10. First of all i would hate to see Jarvis leave wolves.

    However Wolves only scored 40 goals all season fletcher got a quater of these goals and most these goals came from Jarvis’s wing play and quality crosses, he helps defend and then his counter attacking play is awesome and his delieverys just get better, His a quality team player really unselfish, and has a pop at goal when his got a clear opputunity then 9 times out of 10 he will score. Personally i think he is a top prem player and can provide a lot of goals for strikers with the quality of his crosses and think this will suit spurs as they have’nt scored much headed goals, i think Jarvis could solve this problem.

  11. Spursman – So do you have to win player of the season to be classed as any good in a relegated side?! Ba didnt win it at West Ham. Jarvis won it last season and was in the top 3 this year. From recalling the games Jarvis certainly gave Spurs the run around. Yes you might be setting your sights higher but he’s better than Lennon (look at the stats) and Certainly better than any of your similar players, bar Bale.

    On another note… £4m for Bentley?! Not a chance!

  12. £4 Million for Bassong! Not from what I’ve seen of him at Wolves. Harry didn’t/doesn’t want him and I doubt Wolves will be bending over backwards to keep him, even in the Chumpionship. Certainly not for that much.

    Jarvis, on the other hand has been excellent in a team only containing a handful of PL quality players. He destroyed Smalling at Man Yoo and, despite Wolves getting thrashed, Jarvis was still man-of-the-match at Old Trafford.

    I hope you continue to knock Jarvis and let ‘Arry know you don’t want him, cus I’d love him to stay at Wolves.

  13. Wolves fan here. These are my thoughts on Jarvo.

    8 goals from midfield for a struggling team

    Works so hard for the team, good defensively

    Has the beating of almost every fullback he’s played against

    Crossing is woeful, fans of other clubs see him on MOTD and think he’s this fantastic crosser of the ball, truth is 9/10 crosses either don’t beat the first man or beat everyone. 5 assists tells it’s own story, especially when he has Steven Fletcher to aim for, who is the player who scored the most headed goals in the Prem last season, clinical finisher but Jarvis didn’t find the killer ball anywhere near enough times.

    After his England call up his form dropped, would he be able to handle the pressure of playing for a big club like Spurs?

    As mentioned in the article, Wolves have no pressure to sell, we were one of the very few clubs making profit in the Premier League, and according to local journalists we want to hold of for £10m+ for both Jarvis and Fletcher. Jarvis is potentially brilliant but if I was a Spurs fan I wouldn’t be happy seeing my club splashing 8 figures on a winger who got 5 assists last season!

  14. If he’s proven he can do it in a side that’s finished bottom and still got better stats then Lennon why are you all moaning? You all see the little clips off match of the day but if you watched him every week you’d know how good he is. They wasn’t 1 full back that had him in there back pocket and he gets the odd goal as well. 8 goals is a great season for any winger in any team. I’d be happy with a swap with Krancjar plus a couple of mill but if you lot don’t want him the wolves fans are more then happy to keep him.

  15. Why go to spurs! it’s not will he fit spurs more that will spurs fit him, he needs to go too a big club were he has a chance of winning something? and apart from Arsenal and Chelsea there arn’t any other landan clubs that fall into that category, he might has well stay put were he won’t be a bench warmer.
    Has for not being good enough I fink you need to rethink that spurs fans, by the way wasn’t it great to see Chelsea win the champions league cup!

  16. Terry Connor- what thwe hell are you on about, not a good crosser, b******s, you are talking out of your rear end, I hope all those managers after him are reading your comments because there is no chance they will buy him! you must have been watching that lot up the road, you certainly wasn’t watching the Wolves.

    • You’re kidding right? He has improved a lot since the Championship days, but he’s still not up to scratch. How many times do his corners fail to beat the first man? How many times does he get in a great position, then instead of blasting it in across the ground to the on rushing attackers, he pulls back onto his right and floats in a ball that is easily dealt with. I would go as far to say that Kightly, Hunt and Hammill are all better crossers than Jarvis.

  17. Bassong for 4mil, in what deluded universe !… Getting back to Jarvis, he was more often than not having to play the role of defender in a side that fell apart every time the opposition attacked, yet he still got a amongst the goals and was always a threat going fwd . He will thrive when played in a decent squad. Sounds like you lot are clueless to players outside the top 4 and I thought us Wolves fans were ignorant.

  18. Hi spurs fans, I’m a Wolves fan and your saying no to Matt Jarvis he is a brilliant player he got 9 goals on the wing for bottom of the league club and i watched Wolves play spurs home and away and personally i would say Matt Jarvis is better than Aaron Lennon and he’d be a great signing for you.

  19. Matt Jarvis is without doubt the worst footballer ever to pull on a Wolves shirt, definitely not good enough for the mighty Spurs, best thing would be to leave him where he is, much better he rip the Championship apart rather than disgrace the mighty Spurs. Best to ignore the torrid time he gave to many a top four fullback, or the fact he scored goals for a dire team, leave well alone and let him get the Gold & Black Babbies back where the belong. Incidentally I don’t like Arsenal much either, come on you Spurs.

  20. Having watched him play close up for 4 seasons Jarvis is a good player but he’s not yet a great player. Can he become one? Probably, his main weakness is one that makes him weak for any PL side and that is consistency, he ranges from sublime to irritatingly woeful often in the same game but more usually over a few games. At his best he’s as good as you’ll see and at his worst he’s Championship quality.
    Personally I think he should stay at Wolves and develop another season, in theory he should shine at that level.
    As to value to Wolves £8m+ as he’s established and plays the traditional Wolves winger role well open market £5m. I really can’t see him fitting the Spurs set up at all I would say Everton, Fulham or West Ham would be better for him.

    One final thing ignore that obnoxious johnwolf he is well known in Wolves Blogs as a complete twot who was vocal in saying don’t panic, don’t change anything, our regular team are fine it will all be ok and then went silent for the last 10 games! Do us all a favour go back and read your drivel this season and see how often you were right!

  21. as a wolves fan i would be very sorry to see jarvis go,and when you consider carthorse downing at liverpool 17m at approx 8/9m jarvis 25 years of age would be a great signing for you,i can only imagine the extra support he would get from your midfield,looking from a long way away in my humble opinion a.johnson is the supreme player in this position if you’re looking for vast swings forward to fill this position still can’t believe downing has ot the nod over johnson i.e 25 man squad sorry you missed out on the champions league,what odds would you have got on this outcome you get 4th,6th wins champoins league anyway you’ve still got the main man good luck next season

  22. have we not enough average players – i tought we were trying to improve the team – we need remy a centre back and a kepper not another winger

    • I am sorry did you see how in effective we were when Lennon was out this year. We can’t go through another season with only two out and out wingers and I’m not totally convinced that Townsend can be a good winger on the left as a left footed player, let alone on the right wing. But I do think we can pick and choose some spots for Townsend to start.

  23. Most of you seem to have never seen Matt Jarvis play. Jarvis is a right footed winger than can play on both sides, but is more effective on the left. He is at his best when he is running at defenders taking them on and will pick up more goals and assists in a better team where he doesn’t have to track back and spend a lot of time defending. The on aspect of his game he does need to improve is the quality of his crosses. It can get frustrating seeing him running rings round a rb/lb, but there being no quality ball in. When we got promoted he was not our best winger which was Michael Kightly adn if it wasn’t for his unfortunate injuries over the past 2/3 years it would have been him getting the England call up and be the name on everyones lips right now.

  24. As a Wolves fan, I don’t want to see Jarvis go, but for you doubters;
    Jarvis club appearences in last 3 years, 116 with 17 goals.
    Bale, 105 with 21 goals.

    I don’t think that’s too bad for Jarvis in a struggling Prem side compared to a team striving for top 6. We’re after £8m and Spurs fans think it’s too much..ok.
    Remember though, you bought Bale from Southampton after only 41 appearences and 5 goal for…£7m.

  25. Jarvis’ parents played table tennis for England. Like them, he has lightning reflexes, great pace and terrorizes defenders to get his crosses in. It’s true, Smalling got mashed up at OT and Jonathon Woodgate was substituted after 20 mins cos he couldn’t live with him.

    I admit his was the only game in town and after 3 seasons, opposition learned how to turn off the tap. But in a Spurs team with multiple threats, I think he would thrive and generate a very good return.

    As a Wolves fan, I wish him well… A star asset and deserves to shine with a good coach.


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