Considering the stories that have emerged in the last 24 hours it seems unlikely that Spurs are in advanced talks with any transfer targets. However, the gossip continues and some Newcastle websites even contain the rumour that Spurs have made a concrete offer for Tim Krul.

Krul has been mentioned on here before, as have many other goalkeepers, as a long term replacement for Brad Friedel. Given the Dutchman’s undoubted qualities however, it’s unlikely that he’d be content of a place on the bench while Brad continues for another season.

The reports go on to suggest that Tottenham have offered £10m for the Netherlands international and while some Newcastle fans’ valuation of £25m may seem a little extreme, if that bid were true it could still fall a long way short for a player who is still only 24 years of age.

Tim Krul could be a great long term fit for Tottenham but it seems an unlikely deal at this stage for any number of reasons.




  1. What a load of Tosh, why would Krul want to leave a club on the up and (for once) stable for a club who only finished 1 place higher and in a bit of turmoil with their manager. As you say it would take a lot more than £10m to get him even if he did want to leave, he has said on more than one occassion that he is at the Toon for the long haul. I’m not saying that we won’t sell but it will be at our prices and on our terms things have changed for the better at the Toon. Realistically I think we will finish in the top 8 and if we can buy 3-4 good players I think we could even finish above Spurs.

    • You geordies are soo thick. Get back to your inbred lifes and shut the fuck up. What Tottenham wants they get, its that simple.

        • what can we say about newcastle then? championship next? when was the last time then were in championship? newcastle is the new bolton

          • Say nowt, if you get Krul thats football, if Spurs fade over the next few years, thats football and if Newcastle fade, again thats football. Just dont big yourselves up as if you are bed fellows with the likes of Man Utd or Arsenal because like us you recent history (20 years) is one of ups and downs

          • karl you team a gonna be tunbling down this season mate ole sloppy chops is clamming to get away you guys are so silly we are a team thats got a better fanbase, better stadium , better youth facilities better scouting network better fans , we support our team 55k game even in the championship thats well more thanyou guys in the premiership hahahaha back at you thick yids !!Q!!!

      • inbred, there’s not a true brit in london got to be the inbred captail of europe so many foriegners and illegal imigrants

        • rip just a thought you racist plonker. would love to see all your foreign players read this from their own fan. What would Demba Ba or Cisse and the others think of you if they knew who you were. And is it ironic that the people who make your club tick are from the south. First chris hughtun(spurs fan) then Alan pardew and Mr money Mike Ashley who funds you and is a Spurs fan as well.

      • Inbred ‘lifes’? Seriously? Did you just call all Geordies “soo thick” then make that mistake? Maybe you’re too busy rioting and burning down your neighbourhood to learn to spell.

        What Tottenham wants they get? It’s that simple is it? Does that include playing in the champions league next season? Oops. Eden Hazard? Oops. A decent striker last january? Oops.

        • Couldn’t agree more with you mate. Obviously the kid with that comment has issue’s and anger problem’s. Maybe an only child because it comes across as though he is a spoilt brat. Never mind, Krul has only just signed a huge contract worth 16 million i believe but i may be wrong. 10 million……i don’t think so. Double the offer Harry the loud mouth then maybe you will have a chance, well that’s if your still in a job this time next week. Then it will be Ba, then Cisse, Tiote and Cabaye hahahaha.

      • You are certainly correct my friend. What they want they get..hmmmmmm, well goodbye H.Redknapp followed by goodbye Bale, VDV, Modric. We’ll keep Krul thank you very much. After spouting his mouth off about Ba, he looks to be departing Spurs. Karma………..truly has happened this time fella!!!!!

        • Honestly are people this dense. First we have a stupid kid call Newcastle a second rate club, which simply isn’t true. Then people are starting to make it seem that Spurs are nothing without Redknapp. I really think Harry did a job that must manager’s could do. Now you take a look at what Pardew did this year that’s an accomplishment, no disrespect to Newcastle.

  2. Just a few things. Firstly, he’s better than Friedel anyway so wouldn’t need to be content with a place on your bench. Secondly, there is no way Ashley would sell Krul for less than 20 mil and even that’s pushing it. Thirdly, we are easily on par with you as it stands so why would he consider leaving, you have nothing to offer that we can’t. And finally, Tims been with us for nearly ten years now and we’re eventually on the up, he’s def not gonna take a sideways step.

    • If it hadnt been for Redknapp we would of finished 20,30 points ahead of you drips. 5-0! Sideways! Lol dont make me laugh, Tottenham are 10times bigger than you weirdoes.

      • 30 points ahead? So you would have won the title? Don’t be silly. And aye, 5-0! Congratulations you beat a midfield of James Perch and Danny Guthrie, hardly a champions league calibre midfield is it? We drew 2-2 with our almost first team (which included Obertan and Best, Ryan Taylor at left back). Not bad considering we have only been back in the premier league two years. Surely the excellent spurs should finish higher than one place above a team which was just promoted back to the premier league two years ago?

      • hahaha shearer is gay you club is nowere as big as us mate go back to your hole and climb in it you, your manager is a tax dodger , and hes running away from you guys hes wanting yid i mean rid you silly yid, give your heed a wobble and jog on bigger than us what a donkey eeeeeeeee awwwwwwwww

  3. Can’t agree that Newcastle are on a par with Spurs after one good season following a few years in mediocrity and eventually, relegation. Spurs have challenged for the top four in all but 2 of the last 7 seasons. Having said that Newcastle are definitely on an upward curve and £10m is not enough to tempt the barcodes into selling Krul. A bid of £15m with bonuses would be more realistic.

    • I don’t agree either but with all our mediocrity and relegation we’ve still been in the champions league more than you. Doesn’t say much for spuds really, does it?

  4. Tottenham are a more successful club across their history, but not by that much (although granted, Newcastle’s trophy winning past is a long, long, long way off). As to whether they are a bigger club, that’s far too subjective a term to argue over.

    You have more trophies and more money; we have more fans blah blah blah. To Spurs fans Spurs are bigger, to Newcastle fans Newcastle are bigger, just as it should be.

    However, in terms of Krul, the story is a non-starter. £20m would be minimum starting price and Krul came out two days ago and said he’s not interested in a move. Tim’s achieving what he needs to at the moment, in a city that has been his home since he was 17 (and he is not a big city boy, so London is unlikely to appeal).

    Moving to Spurs would not represent a step up right now; neither won a trophy, both in the Europa League. Whether the same would apply at the end of next season is of course, open to debate – Spurs may well be back in CL and Newcastle mid-table, who knows, but for now, both clubs are on a par.

    • You make a compelling and (almost) convincing argument, but still have to disagree that Newcastle are on par with Spurs based on one succesful season. Despite our inexplicable collapse we still finished comfortably above you and are unbeaten against you since you returned to the prem! Also lets not forget that Tottenham finished in the CL places, Newcastle did not, the fact we’ll be in the same European competition next season is down to a fluke and a riduclous rule! Based on your logic had Norwich, for example, finshed in the Europa League places they would be on par with us too?

  5. The spurs fans are bait touchy aren’t they. Guy Maxwell’s post is the best by far. A a Geordie who has lived doon sooth for 30 years I have a lot of spurs fans as friends on the whole they are fine just a few inbred prats like some on here. Let’s all be realistic neither club will win the league in the foreseeable future but we both could & should be pushing for Europe

  6. What a joke spuds are why would he want to join a club who’s fans are so disrespectful that claim harry was the cause that dropped 15 -20 points but then claim that that have fought for the top four spot in five of the last seven what a joke

  7. Ignoring the Spurs vs. Newcastle debate…

    Krul would be a quality keeper and I’d like to see him, but even more I’d like to see Vorm as Spurs’ keeper. He’s better on the ball and plays more like a sweeper. We’ve looked our best when playing a nice passing game and being able to start those plays at the back would help set the tone to our attack. Not to mention he’s a solid shot stopper as well.

    Also, with Rodgers having moved on I could see him being open to a transfer, and Rodgers would hardly replace Reina with Vorm.

  8. Why oh why do some Spurs fans start something disrespectful against another club, then they come on here thinking we are all the same and start calling us racist names and ridiculing the area where our club is based. I am a Greek cypriot and proud of it ,and proud to be a fan of the English game and its people of all backgrounds.
    Just a note to you Geordies on here with your racist overtones, get real, because of a few silly bloggers does not make us all the same, and I have friends up in Newcastle who are brilliant people and are a good example of Newcastle, but am sure there are loads of silly people up there as well. Anyway Krul is a good keeper and would love him to be a spurs player.

    • racist i am not as i do live in cyprus your friends on here decoded to call us inbred which wasnt a good thing to say as i pointed out in london there are more foriegners than anything else so who makes that more inbred stating a fact my best mate is a greek cypriot spurs fan and he agreed with me so i wasnt being nasty just pointing out a fact

  9. Leaving aside the cheap jibes, the value of Krul and Redknapps departure – can we just nail this lie about the Geordies being such wonderful supporters? The average attendance when you won the Championship was just over 43,000 – last season it was 47,000, still 5,000 short of capacity. Spurs average and capacity are almost exactly equal – and the small gap is due mainly to the away fans. Spurs are hampered by having a small ground but with 30,000 on the waiting list for season tickets alone its obvious that Spurs would compete with and probably outmatch Newcastle for paying fans. Newcastle have 5,000 empty seats every match on average. The only team with more unsold seats in the top 10 ‘best supported’ were Sunderland (8,000) and Villa (7,000). The real top teams sell-out – Newcastle dont.
    Its also only a matter of months since the Newcastle fans were abusing Mike Ashley AND Alan Pardew and hanging up obscene banners at St James Park – sorry, the JJB Sports Soccer Direct Stadium or whatever its called now. Yet without Ashley, you’d be Div 1 and going out of business in front of 15,000 fans – the real hardcore of your support. In 91/92 (when you narrowly avoided demotion to the 3rd tier) your highest home attendance was 30,306 (vs. Sunderland) and lowest home attendance was a pathetic 9,175 (vs. Crewe Alexandra). Where were the 50,000 then? Doing the shopping? So Kormee, cut the crap “we support our team, 55k a game even in the championship” – its not true now and it wasnt true then.

  10. first time on this blog however most of the people on here speak sense apart from that dick head who said tottenham get what they want. Newcastle do sell out there average this season has been just under 50,000 which is amazing considering the name change to the sports direct arena. towards the end of the season there was not a seat empty. I think tottenham will struggle now redknapp has gone, i feel the players will follow (modric to man u, van der vaart to schalke and even bale if barc/real come calling).


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