Tottenham’s Dutch international Rafael van der Vaart was relatively quiet when the rumours linking him with a move to Schalke 04 first emerged. Admittedly, he was preparing for Holland’s ill-fated Euro 2012 campaign at the time and would therefore have had other things on his mind.

Maybe his old club Hamburg were alerted to his possible availability but this time Rafa has been quicker to give his reaction, even if it ultimately tells us nothing.

“I am happy and I am surprised myself how much I still love Hamburg, currently however there is no contact,” he is quoted in Bild.

The link has also gathered momentum due to reports that German Businessman and Hamburg fan Michael Kuhne is ready to invest funds into the side. Meanwhile, the club’s Sporting Director – a certain Frank Arnesen – did mention VDV by name as the type of player that the German team would be interested in.

The Schalke link hasn’t disappeared either and while this may all be speculation, it seems certain that there will be plenty more of it over the course of the summer.



  1. I wont be too surprised if he goes.
    If AVB is the man to come in, he will want someone with more pace, that can play wider than Rafa.
    Dont get me wrong, i got alot of time for Rafa, especially his love of scoring against the scum, but I have a feeling he may be off this summer.
    If he does, he can go with his head held high as he has been a great player for us, and its not like he is trying to push through a move away from the club.
    Rafa Van Der Vaart……

  2. Pointless article as you said NO contact from Hamburg so won’t be going until, at the very least, there is contact. Even then I doubt he would go or even if they could afford him??

    Like saying I have NO pilots license but will I be flying myself to my summer holiday this year!! Pointless, pointless, thrice pointless.

    • Siguardsson seems increaslingly like a done deal, not 100% convinced on him tbh half a season at Swansea does not a player make.


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