The injury news continues to be positive for Spurs as several first team players look set to return to action and the first man back could be Scott Parker. The England international has yet to feature this season after an Achilles problem and although head coach Andre Villas-Boas suggested that he won’t be rushed back, Scott’s importance to the squad was made clear.

“We have players coming back to fitness and Scott can be so important for us. He was player of the season last year and we expect him to be one of our main strengths,” AVB said.

“He hasn’t lost his abilities. Now we have resumed light training with him, he has been absolutely amazing.”

Those comments would tend to rule out a sale in January with QPR and Harry rumoured to be hovering. However, does Scott stand a chance or displacing Sandro on the right centre and if not, where does he actually play?

This time last season Scott Parker was winning player of the month awards on a regular basis but as his return to fitness draws near, where does he slot in to this Tottenham side?



  1. Parker Sandro n Dembele, or rotate Prker n Sandro. But actually rotate this yr! – Admittedly Sandro was still gaining PL Fitness n understanding last yr, but now he has shown he shud be playing and shud be the ‘majority shareholder’ ahead of Parks if 1 slot is up for grabs,. At the end of the day its a welcome return/effectively an addition so appy days!

    • No. dont do that.

      keep parker as dm cover (and a very good one)

      if we want to offload players to fund moutinho then

      livermore, jenas, and bentley have to be the ones to go… if you force my hand past that then it would be hudd next, although i wouldnt want to sell him

  2. Put dembele in for demsey, demsey or siggy to the left (as bales out for a few), then parker and sandro in the middle. Bish bash bosh

  3. People mustn’t underrate Scotty’s importance. Our frailties have been exposed this season when we go in front. Parker adds the steel we need to keep winning possession back and distributing simply. He’s a better player than Sandro and to play them together might limit our creativitity. Still, 2 out of Sandro, Parker and Hudd for DMs if we play 4-2-3-1. Lots of options which is encouranging

  4. Parker is very good a keeping possesion ticking over and a lot of what he does good goes unoticed by a lot of fans. He and Djembele will be a wicked twosome with Sandro breaking up play and doing the rough stuff.

  5. Away from home you play them together in AVB’s preferred system
    Walker Kaboul Vertonghen BAE

    Sandro Parker

    Lennon Dembele Bale


  6. Dembele is originally a CAM. When Parker is back and whilst Bale is still out, play Dembele CAM, put Dempsey LM and play play Parker alongside Sandro.

  7. For Everton I think we should play a 442. We looked good @arsenhole untill Ade got sent off. Take the game to everton and go 6 points above them

    Walker Gallas Caulker SuperJan
    Lennon Sandro Dembele Dempsey
    …….Ade. Defoe

    Gylfi and Parker would provide good subs. Parker needs to play some FA cup against Coventry before he can start above Sandro who now looks a better proposition,for now and for the future

  8. It’s another useful player to have , particularly in the last 20 mins of a game when we’ve been weak. He’s a leader and a fighter and a ruddy nice chap .

  9. We NEED Scotty!!!! Have people got short memories? Often last season he was man of the match, till ‘Arry worked him to death. IF he recovers from the injury (being old …) I can think of lots of situations where Scotty and the mad Brasilian together will be HUGE – controlling AND rampaging!

  10. I am going to add my name to the growing list of proponents for a Parker/Sandro/Dembele midfield 3. I feel this 3 does has great balance to it and, especially away from home, could be a valuable part of our tactical make up. At home though, I can’t help but feel we’d be left with too much of a gap between midfield and defence, the main problem I saw emerge with Dembele’s recent injury…simply put, JD can only play up front on his own with the support of a physical, hard working midfielder like clint dempsey, so if we were to play PNB, Sandro and the moose in the centre, I think Manu adebayor would really be the only plausible option up top…and from what we’ve seen this year of JD, there is no way Manu should be our first choice striker in current form…so I really think Scott’s role could depend just as much on how AVB wants to shape the team as a whole.

  11. I get really frightened when I hear people talk about the return of Scott Parker as if he is some kind of messiah,because he is British people tend to overlook his flaws and bad performances.

    For the first couple of months last season he was okay.

    After November he was terrible,kept getting caught in possession and continuously gave the ball away. Also for the life of him he could not figure out how to make or complete a forward pass.

    So do you folks propose that we drop our best player thus far this season Sandro to accomodate an Englishman? Whether you like it or not that is the only alternative. No matter what convoluted system you think of or propose that is the likely outcome.

    We went into that terrible slump last season because ‘Arry in his infinite wisdom refused to alter his prefered first team,no matter how poorly certain of his favorites were playing i.e. Parker and Adebayor.

    Was it only me who noticed that we improved vastly as a team when Parker got injured for the last couple of months and was replaced by Sandro?

    Parker COULD not and WOULD not get into any of the teams above us whom we are suppossed to be challenging for silverware. If he is not good enough for them why is he considered indispensible by a large core of Tottenham followers?

    What also frightens me is that AVB has heard these inane xenaphobic mutterings and will drop Sandro as a means of appeasal in order gain support from that section of the fan base who hate him just because he is not English and named ‘Arry Redschnapps.

  12. agree with crabby’s team
    walker kaboul vert bae
    parker sandro
    lennon dembele bale

    dembele plays behind the striker like he did at fulham


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