Spurs came from a goal behind for the second match running to claim a deserved three points against a battling Reading side at White Hart Lane. The win takes us to third in the table ahead of tonight’s Premiership fixtures and the victory makes it three on the bounce and five undefeated since the loss at Everton.

After the match, head coach Andre Villas-Boas hailed the resilience of his side as they came to the end of a hectic festive schedule.

“It wasn’t going to be easy against Reading, that’s what we told the players and going a goal down in the first five minutes made things even more difficult,” AVB said after the match.

“That goal gave the opponent the belief that maybe they didn’t have coming into this fixture.

“It was important for us to turn it around and in doing so, we once again showed our resilience and ability to bounce back. “

The goal may have given Reading belief but it also gave us a bit of a wake up as Michael Dawson equalised shortly afterwards. In the second period, goals from Emmanuel Adebayor and Clint Dempsey sealed the victory.

After a break for the FA Cup, QPR await in the live Monday night game of January the 14th. For now, it’s been almost a perfect few weeks – holding onto leads, coming from behind – who’d have thought it?!?




  1. Was hoping to see us score a few more goals, goal difference may well be important come the end of the season.
    And we had 30 shots, is that a record??


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