While Spurs have been stuttering in their quest for Champions League football next season, many of the club’s fans have been surprised that Lewis Holtby hasn’t been given more of a chance in the side. The German has been a constant substitute who has helped to turn games in his brief time at the Lane but has yet to make any sort of claim on a starting place.

Considering the lengths that Spurs went through to bring this transfer forward from the original summer deal, it is a little surprising but Holtby spoke this week and just seems to be concentrating on his place in the side for next season.

“In the summer, with my first pre-season and hopefully the tailwind of a successful Under-21 European Championship, I want to win a place on the team,” Holtby told the German press.

“I am under contract until 2018. I have trust in myself and will establish myself there. And if I show what I am capable of in the top level, I have good chances for the Germany senior team.”

Spurs have been linked with a number of central midfielders over the last few days but Holtby went on to say that he feels this is his best position.

“I can play various positions,” he said. “I believe, the number six is the position for my future. Between six and ten, I feel best in central midfield,” he added.

Lewis Holtby may be happy to bide his time until next season but Spurs have some critical games coming up between this Saturday and the middle of May. Should our German international be taking a more active role in those matches?




  1. The kid deserves a chance too! The problem is that with Bale currently (rigidly) occupying that no10 role, Holtby is having to be played out of position.

    If I was Spurs manager, I would have the three behind the main striker constantly interchanging and switching positions, similar to what Chelsea do.

    The issue I have with Bale playing in no10 is that he OFTEN leaves us a man light in midfield with his unwillingness to commit to putting in a SERIOUS shift. Supposedly one of the FITTEST players in the team/league, Gareth only ever gives his maximum when in possession of the ball, meaning that he is usually a passenger within the side when Spurs are defending.

    Compare his displays without the ball to the work-rates of Lennon, Sigurdsson and Holtby, and Bales contribution from a defensive point of view is POOR at best.
    I think AVB HAS to make clear to Gareth, that if he wants to continue in his new role, there are certain responsibilities and duties that come with it.

    Against Swansea, I would initially start with Bale out-wide, and the inform Sigurdsson behind the main striker.

  2. I agree with Ramos comment. Bale should be on the left wing with Sigurdsson behind a lone striker (Adebayor/Defoe) Hope to see Lennon on the right and then Dembele, Holtby or the old guy, with them in the midfield.

    we will crush Swansea. Not sure if Sigurdsson will be as popular with the Swansea fans after the game 😉 lol

  3. he works hard, he can recycle the ball, he can tackle and he moves for the ball. get him in the centre, give parker a rest and start carroll more often.


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