It’s been a long and frustrating season on the sidelines for Younes Kaboul but it seems likely that the French international will now be fit enough to play some part in Tottenham’s campaign to hold on to that Champions League qualification slot.

Head coach Andre Villas-Boas revealed that the defender had returned to full training and he expects Kaboul to be match fit very shortly.

“He has trained the last two days 100 per cent with the team. He is going to rest on Friday and next week he is going to come back and train again with the team,” AVB said.

“If he doesn`t feel any pain, it can mean he will be match fit in 10 days if it all goes without interruption – 10-15 days. But we have to be careful because it is a very sensitive situation for him.”

A ten day break might just mean that Younes returns to the squad for our match with Everton but whatever happens, he could have a vital role to play between now and the end of May.