There’s no word from the club as yet with regard to Younes Kaboul’s injury but those fans who were hoping to see the French defender recalled to the first team at the weekend would have been concerned at the news that he limped off during our under 21 match with Manchester United last night.

Younes played for an hour against West Ham last week but lasted until just after half time before having to withdraw and be replaced by Jack Barthram.

As for the game itself, Spurs slipped to a 1-0 defeat and despite having chances to score themselves, reports claim that United’s win was a deserved one and had it not been for Lawrence Vigouroux in the Tottenham goal, the margin of victory could have been much wider.

There were some positives from the match and Christian Ceballos continues to stand out in an impressive side but the game has made more headlines than usual because of the concerns over Kaboul. Is this potentially a blow ahead of Sunday’s match or have we coped well enough in the player’s absence to continue with a strong defence for the remainder of the season?




  1. Clearly a blow for Spurs as we could really do with Kaboul back in the squad not least as cover for Walker.

    Still can’t believe we didnt sign a striker and a playmaker in either of the past two windows. If we miss out the blame has to lie squarely at the door of Levy (and that hurts me to say it as I am a staunch Levy supporter)


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