The big news from a Tottenham perspective is that Aaron Lennon is set to return to the squad for Saturday’s game with Wigan and AVB must surely be looking to include such an influential player from the very start.

“Aaron has trained with the team and is back in contention,” said Andre. “It’s good to have him back. He’s a player who has had a great impact this season.”

That leaves just Sandro, Younes Kaboul and William Gallas on the sidelines and it could mean a return to the starting XI that played for most of our recent, twelve game unbeaten run.

The coach keeps changing the back four around so this is tough to predict. Will he keep Dawson and Vertonghen in the middle or bring Caulker in and move Jan out to the left?

With Lennon likely to start, it does leave a question in midfield as to who to leave out. It’s hard to see AVB changing the centre pairing and he must be reluctant to omit Clint Dempsey after the American continued his habit of scoring important goals last weekend.

Up front it’s either Defoe or Ade or possibly, but unlikely, both.

Here’s our predicted starting XI but what’s your view?





  1. I hope that is not our team!! Lloris, walker, vert, daws, BAE, hThudd, dembele, holtby, demps, bale, defoe. Now this team will cause damage. Would be great if lennon starts, but think he will be a sub.

    • I agree I don’t think Lennon will be fully fit to start, though he would make a good impact sub especially if Wigan start to tire. Not to sure about Dempsey because he lacks work rate and movement which we will desperately need against this Wigan side.

  2. Lloris,
    Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, Ekotto
    Holtby, Huddlestone, Dembele
    Bale, Defoe, Sigurdsson

    subs: adebayor, Lennon, Parker, Caulker,
    Naughton, Carroll, Friedel.

  3. GK- Lloris
    RB – Walker
    CB – vertongen
    CB – Dawson
    LB – Naughton
    CM – Huddleston
    CM – dembele
    CM – holtby
    LForward – Bale
    Rforward – Lennon
    Striker – Defoe

  4. I hope that’s not the starting 11. We need work rate and Dempsey won’t give that. Holtby & hudd deserve to start after their brave, incredible performance against City.

  5. with wigan playing 3-4-3 and our fullbacks pushing on need the 4-2-3-1 so the two holding midfielders can protect centre backs. As Parker has positional discipline probs [he thinks he has to be Sandro] Hudd should come in as he will keep position better and pssing will be quicker, more fluid and forward.
    Bale and Lennon wide with Holtby or Dempsey in mid of three, Defoe up front

  6. with wigan playing 3-4-3 and our fullbacks pushing on need the 4-2-3-1 so the two holding midfielders can protect centre backs. As Parker has positional discipline probs [he thinks he has to be Sandro] Hudd should come in as he will keep position better and passing will be quicker, more fluid and forward.
    Bale and Lennon wide with Holtby or Dempsey in mid of three, Defoe up front

  7. Fair enough bout demps. Totally agree, but he looks hungry for goals though.haha watched spurs vs newcastle from last season again when we thumped them 4 0. That adebayor hasn’t pitched up this season.

  8. 433
    Walker Dawson vert benny

    Dembele. Holtby

    Bale. Defoe. Dempsey

    Don’t know why people leave Dempsey out! He scores goals has decent vision. We don’t have many natural poachers so a must for me.

    • because hes lazy, and sometimes looks like he doesnt want to run around and help the team which is what we need against a wigan side desperate for a win. siggy would do a better job untill he brings lennon on

  9. I have a feeling you’re all wrong on this one… think AVB will go for the same team that started vs Man C…
    Lloris, KW, Daws, Verts, BAE.
    Parker, Dembele
    Siggy, Bale, Dempsey
    He may be tempted to bring in Lennon if fully fit for Siggy. Otherwise I think that in an away match, AVB will want us to hold up the ball (via Ade) and will rely on the attacking mids to penetrate. This will mean he needs the graft of Parker in the middle to help sweep up if our counter attacks break down. Defoe is a lot more direct and will come on in the second half if we’re chasing the game. If lennon is on the bench, he will also come on (its more important that he finishes the game rather than starts it) and this will mean either Hudd or Holtby will come on too.

  10. Lloris
    Walker – Dawson – vertonghen – BAE.

    Lennon – Huddlestone – Dembele – Bale.


    Definitely not Parker, his slow our game up, and always looking to pass backwards.. We looked such a better team when parker went off against city.

  11. Formation 433
    GK: lloris
    RB: walker
    CB: Dawson & vertonghen
    LB: bae
    Deeper CMs: hudd & dembele
    CM behind ST: bale
    RW: Lennon (if fit)
    ST: Defoe
    LW: Dempsey

  12. Lloris
    Walker, Dawson, Caulker, Vertonghen
    Dembele, Huddlestone, Holtby
    Siggy, Defoe, Bale

    Subs: Friedel, Naughton, Parker, Adebayor, Lennon, Dempsey, Carroll.

    Have to match this lot for workrate and, if done, class will come through. Spurs win 3-1.

  13. lloris
    walker, caulker, dawson, vertonghen
    dembele, huddlestone, holtby
    bale, defoe, siggurdsson

    Bring lennon on at half time for siggy and tommy carroll on for huddlestone about 60 minutes and our passing and speed should overrun wigan!

  14. Lloris,

    Walker, Caulker, Dawson, Vertonghen

    Huddlestone Dembele

    Holtby Bale Dempsey


    Subs: Freidel, BAE, Naughton, Parker, Siggy, Lennon, Adebayor

  15. Noticed that most postings have Parker not playing. I’m with you guys on that but I think AVB will start with him. This is the only thing that bugs me with AVB as our manager. But then, he is the manager, right ? He probably knows more about what is going on than me. So I will support whoever he chooses to play and hope we will get that win. Still aaarrgh !

  16. Parker is horrible, hav no idea why avb keeps playin him. He is the cdm, but his defensive record is not even close to dembele’s. He can’t pass forward for his life and pointless turns when his on the ball. Thudd or carrol should both be selected before parker.


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