It’s coming to the crucial point of the season and with just four games to go, Spurs are desperately hanging on to their chance of Champions League qualification while those of us who care about the Europa League will have one nervous eye on Everton’s results in the next few weeks.

Among our remaining fixtures are Southampton, Stoke and Sunderland – games where we are more than capable of slipping up – but it’s the Chelsea contest next week that looks to be the crucial one and that’s a view shared by Frank Lampard.

“You could say the game against United is pivotal – but I think it is really down to the Tottenham game,” said the England midfielder.

“I think it will go to the wire but if we get the right results against United and Tottenham we’ll put ourselves in a healthy position.”

So those are Spurs’ remaining fixtures while for Chelsea, they have to face Manchester United at Old Trafford before hosting us next week. After that, it’s Aston Villa away before a home contest with Everton on the last day of the season.

Meanwhile, Arsenal have only three games left – away to QPR and Newcastle either side of a home match with Wigan.

Our opponents look to have tricky ties that could result in lost points but really it’s in our hands and a positive result at Stamford Bridge next week could seal that top four place.



  1. gutted we arent going to make it, we wont get anything from chelsea away which means they’ll be too far in front of us with their goal diff too. arsenals run in is too easy so they wont be caught either. Time to ditch rewarding 4th place anyway, why get a place for 4th?? makes no sense, give it to the fa cup winners instead.


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