So the fixture list is in and Spurs head coach Andre Villas-Boas reflected on the news and suggested that a trip to Selhurst Park on the opening day of the season represents a tough start for his side.

“Selhurst Park is always a difficult stadium to go to, it’s a London derby and a tough start,” Villas-Boas said on the official Tottenham website.

Andre may not be all that familiar with the south London club but he was spot on when commenting on difficult clusters of fixtures such as the back to back games with both Manchester sides at the end of November.

“At certain times of the season we have compact fixtures with the top teams again,” he added. “So, for example, last season we had Arsenal and then Manchester City, both away, and we have the same this time.

“November and December is when we gathered many points last season and we will look to do the same again. This time we go to Old Trafford on New Year’s Day, a huge game.”

Andre also suggested that squads across the Premiership would be strengthened and he intimated that Spurs would be no different.

“I’m looking forward to next season. I think there will be big changes in every team and the managerial changes will see different ways of playing,” he said.

“Other teams will look to create strong teams and we will look to do the same, and build a strong, competitive side.”

The fixtures are in but as AVB looks ahead to the new schedule, where will the club strengthen for the remainder of this summer?



  1. Think he’s right to be worried after last season, losing to the toon followed by home draws with Norwich and west brum, we need to start strong, and with arse and chelski soon up I think that’s great for us , no team did the double over us last year and we shouldn’t fear anyone, let them worry about us, Daniel , please let AVB have his signings early

  2. ‘Andre may not be all that familiar with the south London club’ – I don’t understand what you mean by this? Knowing his attention to detail and knowledge of the game I expect he knows Palace very well, especially as he described Selhurst as a tough place to go which suggests he saw their home form from last season.

  3. I hope the develop the depth we need for the end of the season. and a squad that is not too specific as to its positions. If Benny goes I hope we keep Rose and either have him or a new co-player being solid all season. How are Sandro and Kaboul I have not heard anything regarding their progress. I heard Ade might be off to Turkey I hope we get two replacements if he goes and keep midget gem as a super sub.
    We need a minimum three strikers on the team, Bale seems to be getting more successful at playing where he wants. we need to power up the midfield and have scoring midfielders in the mix other than Gareth. I am really hoping DL gets the players in early so they can bed in and we do not repeat the debacle from last year. AVB copped so much flack but he hardly knew his players to start with. This year I hope we will not have that excuse.

  4. Yeah! Last season it was the start that cost us our finish.With the extra 7 points from that first 3 games (which I don’t thin is unreasonable) we would’ve finished 2nd.Crazy eh!?

    • yes mate spot on but any team losing 4 points to wigan dont deserve top 4 do they thanks levy you cunt your fault 2 seasons running no striker bought in the Jan window wanker


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