In his first two starts for Spurs in the Premier League, Harry Kane has already scored as many goals from open play as Roberto Soldado and while it’s too early to compare the two men, that is a telling statistic in a season of might have beens.

Harry scored the second goal in Saturday’s 3-3 draw with West Brom after missing a much easier chance in the first period but his record since partnering Emmanuel Adebayor up front is going to cause a selection dilemma for Tim Sherwood when the Spaniard is fit.

In 26 league games for his new club, Roberto has found the net just six times and while that record from open play is a shocking one, the value of a cast iron penalty taker can never be underestimated as Ade proved once again in the draw at the Hawthorns.

Soldado’s goals against Aston Villa and Cardiff both had a touch of the Jimmy Greaves about them but if Spurs are to compete among the top four clubs, they need him to return 20 goals a season. The next campaign will define his career as a Tottenham player but if Roberto Soldado does return from injury before the end of this season, many of us would prefer to see Harry Kane keep his place.



  1. I like Kane and think he’s a really decent prospect. But Soldado will come good and he’s not alone in failing this season. Only Eriksen has proven his worth with others just showing glimpses of potential. A rotation policy for our strikers would be healthy next season as Ade showed on Saturday how hit and miss he can be – that’s not even considering the penalty as he was pretty awful.

    Keep the faith – COYS

  2. I’d like to see Kane and Soldado play together. With each game Kane looks a better player, he’s strong, got decent feet and isn’t as single minded as Townsend and JD. Let Harry do the running and tell Bobby to get in the box, the only place he’ll ever be effective for us.

  3. Soldado will never be able to score 20 a season until he gets service, eriksen needs to play in the centre!!! And we need two wingers and a left full back to provide the balls to feet he needs… then we will see the quality player he really is.. lamela and eriksen can provide this.

  4. You mentioned Villa away and Cardiff at home = 2 (TWO) goals from open play and yet you also state he has only scored ONE! I’m confused!

    • They just write shit about this guy and its unfair!! They refer to them as spurs flops? Now liverpool had the same thing a year ago and look at them!! Back our spurs….coys

    • Read again, I think what he said is ‘and while that record is a shocking one’, as in, 6 goals from a 26million striker is shocking… he then goes on to mention Bobbys reliability from the spot. However, it is a little confusing!

  5. Harry Kane can be even better than most of the strikers
    we had in recent times. He is young, hungry, and I am not
    surprised at all, he do so well, now when he gets the chance. There are a lot more in this guy, and next to Ade or Soldado will work, even as a lone striker, he will do goals all the way. He is in my opinion one the the brighest centerforward prospect among the english players in the premier leaque.
    If we can keep eriksen and Lamena start to show his real
    potential, we have the front players, wingers and midfield
    which work, only the terrible defence need a adjustment.
    Eriksen are capable of 20 goals/year and with that and a 20+ striker we are on the way. Eriksen are like Robben/
    Schnaider, it was a very good buy.
    If Lamena/Soldado not work, take the loss, and release them and get better prospect. Dont even be scared to try our younger players, see how well they already worked.
    Fuck Lloris, if he want to go, release him for 27 mill GBP and cover some of the loss. For 15 mill we can get a decent
    Danny Rose and Kyle Naughton, must go, we need a real strong left back instead of terrible Rose, he have costed us so many goals, and he also spoils many attacks with his
    stupid shots/passes, out. And it can not go fast enough.
    With a new respected trainer, it should be possible for a top 4 position.We have lost so many games, because we not have had a decent trainer for some time, and the team looks lost. We need a strong leader, who can put the strengh and spirit back in the team, like Liverpool.
    Coys up with the spirit/ I know it have been a terrible season, but we must never give up, us spurs lovers.

  6. Please all get a grip! Harry Kane has made two starts against two very poor teams. This guy is NOT the answer! His first touch is awful and is a 1980′ type strike in the mould of Tony Cascarino…. if your all satisfied to finish mid table ang back 10 years then yes play Kane, but if we want to be in the CL, not a chance with this type of player. Dont worry you will all be moaning nect year when he misses a hatful!!

  7. Kane is one of the worst strikers I have EVER seen, no pace, no touch, needs about 10 chances per goal, basically u lot think a donkey is the solution! You lot make me laugh! He would not look out of place playing for Exeter… Couldn’t even get in the Norwich team, says it all really… Shows how far back we have gone clutching our hopes on this guy!!!!

  8. Its a bit of a conundrum for us spurs fans at the moment cos we all expected great things from our summer signings (maybe too much).How much time do you afford to 56 mill worth of signings in Robbie and Eric, I personally think proven talent is something that just doesnt dissapear however frustrating it maybe to us fans waiting for it to appear. We have to in my opinion stick with them for next year keep Harry on the bench and see how he goes but I really dont see him as our permanent answer just cos we have some struggling right nownow. Hopefully a couple of additions to our line up at the back and maybe a free role for Erikson more centrally (if we can bulk him up a bit) may see a better season for the lillywhites but hey who knows thats the fun of being a Spurs fan. COYS


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