white hart laneFar from trying to dress up yesterday’s 3-0 defeat against league leaders Chelsea, Tottenham’s official website was very open in its assessment of where the game had been lost. Two early goals put the home team in charge before a battling display in the second half did, at least, ensure that the margin of defeat wasn’t an embarrassing one.

‘We took control of possession in the second half without really threatening and were then undone by Loic Remy, who put the issue beyond doubt with Chelsea’s third on 73 minutes,’ the site concludes.

Mauricio Pochettino was also very open, acknowledging that it’s a little hard for fans to keep hearing about positives in defeat.

“We played very well at the start of the game but we conceded the first goal and then the second three minutes later and that made it difficult,” he said.

“Chelsea were then comfortable and it was difficult for us.

“If we scored maybe the game would have been there for us but I’m disappointed because I think we deserved more.

“In the second half we managed the game well until they made it 3-0. We need to be more clinical. Chelsea were and that made the difference.

“Okay, it’s difficult after losing 3-0, but I think there are positives to take. We need to analyse the game but I think we are in a good way.”

The defeat sees us drop to 10th and next up is a home fixture with Crystal Palace in what will be a rare Saturday outing.



  1. We must learn to defend as a team Chelsea would not let in the sort of goals we concede,because they are organised and react so quickly if things go wrong.We do neither big improvement needed

  2. Chelsea are a class act, they should be, they spent billions. And they’ve got Mourinho to organise them.
    I thought spurs played really well last night, fast passing and movement, good control. Unlucky for Kane to hit the woodwork, the main difference was the finishing and also Chelsea’s defence was super tight. After the last 2 games i’m much more positive that a) Poch has a plan and b) the players know how to adapt to it.

  3. I agree with Pikey. The last two games, we’re starting to see the Spurs side we all want. Solid ball movement, but with a purpose. Penetrating passes more than just maintaining possession. Real chances inside the box. There were a couple of surprises for me in Pochs lineup (not good ones). I’d prefer to see Soldado with Kane up front, and Lamela on the bench. While he has all of the technical ability in the world, he’s just not a smart player (and why Poch insists on sticking Ericksen wide left and allows Lamela to act as our #10 makes no sense to me). Lennon inverted also made no sense. Bentaleb was solid last night, as were Fazio and Davies. Mason needs to learn how to bottle that defensive energy up, and learn to make accurate passes. No idea why we didn’t play Stambouli (or even Capoue) over Mason – this game was just too much for him. Anyway, very positive signs. If we can ditch Townsend, Ade, Dembele, Kaboul and a few others during this window, I think we’ve got a solid team

  4. I don’t understand why he changed the team(Yet again) and went with just one up front. We showed on Sunday how much better we are with two strikers. Why change, what was a winning team ? Jose doesn’t and it shows.

  5. 3rd goal sums us up, pass pass pass go nowhere pass some more lose the ball one through ball cuts us open, defender outmuscled, goal

  6. Always felt Chelsea had another gear last night apart from kane hitting the bar we never looked like scoring listened to poch on match of the day and he thought we were the better team what a cunt the bloke must be coming out with that Chelsea just coasted after the 2nd goal.
    This bloke is as bad as avb excuses after excuse.

  7. pk – give Poch a break man, we played much better than i expected us to. We’ve played much worse earlier in the season. We were never going to get a result without perhaps parking the bus so at least we gave it a go and in midfield we looked the better side. Sharper in the tackle, quicker passing, good control. They were clearly more incisive up front and much more solid in defence.

    I’m convinced Poch knows what he’s doing and i think the players believe that too (unlike under the previous 2 managers)

    • fair play pikey I want him to succeed but got a feeling he could be a juande ramos hope I am wrong just hope he don’t bring capoure naughton ade and kaboul back time will tell, sorry to say but the bloke reminds me of manuel from faulty towers lol


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