
Marcus Edwards has hit the headlines todays, as the mainstream media have finally caught up with the fact that the youngster has signed a two-year professional contract.

This all adds to the hype that is building around the youngster, who is rumoured to have been offered some guaranteed playing time, in order to persuade him to put pen to paper.

It will be interesting to see if that playing time amounts to the odd domestic cup tie, or whether Edwards will get the opportunity to show off his skills in the Premier League, or even the Champions League.

If the latter seems unlikely, it’s worth comparing Edwards with a similar prodigious talent. Raheem Sterling was just 17 days and 107 days old when he made his Premier League debut for Liverpool against Wigan, towards the end of the 2011-12 season. The 2012-13 campaign saw Sterling make his real breakthrough, as he featured in 36 games in all competitions.

At the time of writing, Edwards is already older than Sterling was at the time of his debut – 17 years and 247 days old. Considering that the two play in the same position and share the same sort of diminutive stature, it’s perhaps not ridiculous to think that Edwards could see regular first-team football this season, particularly from the bench.

If Edwards does indeed follow in Sterling’s tiny footsteps, let’s just hope that he’s taken notice of the way the England winger has seen his career stall since ditching the club where he made his breakthrough.



  1. News for the idiotic on here, Sterling career has stalled how? I’ll tell you by having his best year yet! 11 goals, 10 assists, 52 key passes and a pass completion rate of 85.3% go and check how that is better than your own Deli Alli!! Stalled? You mean attacked by scummy upset pool fans and there ex player pundits in the media! 11 goals, 10 assists yeh terible that lol,

    • Dude !! get your facts right ! , Sterling scored 6 goals and assisted just 2 in PL last season , Alli had 10 goals and 11 assists last season in Premier league !!!!..
      Sterling is incredibly talented , no doubt but his career has stalled , he is no more a wing wizard that he used to be at Liverpool , it was his his biggest mistake to leave Liverpool …. His performances in euros also shows that he has forgotten how to cross the ball all of a sudden and is dispossessed so so easily !!
      I am not saying that he is finished , maybe Pep can revive him , but its the fact that his career has stalled ?

      • ‘Dude’ you get your fact right he scored 11 in all that includes the World premier competition the Champions league! Where he finish up in the group stage team of the season! And according to the premier league Ali got 9 assists not 11. I have thought they know right? So wrong lol Sterling is very good player but complete doss site like this keep hammering him for what? Yeah Ali had a clear worse season in stat but he was great Sterling was a flop? Smell the fxxking coffee! Stalled how? Doing better than any season ever or because a liverpool favorable media told you so every day along with their bitter twisted fans? No doubt you booed Sterling like half the other retard cos he left Loserpool? Shocking. The lad got injured at the time Nasri had returned he wasn’t dropped only injured and Nasri was doing well, what should Nasri be dropped? His performances at the Euros were as good as Alli’s in fact better at least he got an assist as for Kane don’t get me started!! Should fans up and down the country boo them like no doubt they will Sterling because of total sxxte like this article?
        You not saying he’s finished? Are you right in the head??? LOL 11 goals, 10 assists and a pass % a huge 10% better than ‘great player’ Alli? Well that’s big of you!! He’s not finished lol You haven’t given a single fact yet call what you say fact wtf? At 20/21 go find a midfielder/winger last year with better stat you won’t because you can’t. Now get ready for your pathetic booing like your lot did last year to a 20 year old kid.

        • Sterling has been a flop, he is pathetic a bit like you Alan, you bitter northerner twat of a manc walk like a monkey alright pet use your hand to wipe your ass manc wank.

        • Alan, your arguments hold no water. Sterling was a big flop last season. He was really a big disappointment compared to his signing fee. As you projected his last season performance, answer these two questions. Why was he not nominated for either PFA player or young player of the year? Why was he no included in the PFA finest XI last season. I await your reply!!!

          • My arguments hold no water? Wtf is wrong with some of you? Sterling scored more, had more assists, miles better passing completion and is the same age as your super starl but because he cost £44m was a flop? How does that work? Was he supposed to score more than any other midfielder, get more assists than anyone else and be the best passer in the league to not be a flop?Again lets look at the facts. Better stats giving the ball away less than who liverpool now call there new best player Fimino,, not to mention Your ‘big star’ (sterling played less than both!) flopped at the Euros as much as Sterling and to be fair the rest of them. So where exactly isn’t the water being held?? Simply saying he flopped because ‘I said so’ or I desperately (like pool fans) want him to’ doesn’t cut the mustard does it? Or will just keep repeating a mantra of ‘no he stalled/flopped or add any other idiotic term’, make it true? Because if it does then how on earth can players with worse stats (goals, assists, passing all key for attackers) be said to have great seasons such as Firmino and Alli? Makes zero sense does it? If water isn’t being held its your bucket that leaks not the one thats shows Sterling to have achieved his best stats yet and yet, labeled a ‘flop’. Will Alli be one if he scores 11, gets 10 assists and 80% pass completion? If everyone starts booing kane and Alli for poor euro showing but they did better than the season before, did they flop? Answers on the back of a stamp

          • As for the reply question because he spent the season being booed for some reason by every teams fans, constantly abused by an Liverpool/rag bias media and still is today! But why didn’t he get onto the team with liverpool? Did Alli get in the team of the year? No! Why not? Is Alli rated as the most valuable youth in Europe like sterling last year? Why not, did Alli win the coverted most prestigious crown in Europe golden boy trophy? Why not? Is or has Aguero been a flop? He’s never made the PFA player of the year either! He’s been on the world player of the year shortlist. Hmmm weird he wad good enough for your mega award even as the best scorer time played the premier leagues ever seen. I look forward to you not answering a single thing with facts but to ur bog eyed opinion only, which means zilch! Lol and more intelligent replies from the likes of gov of London (probably from Bristol) above. No wonder Arsenal fans laugh at u’s so much.

  2. COYS.. there is no doubt what so ever that Edwards is a great prospect,, we should play him in the first team and give him some serios responsibility, e.g play position f/ball hold head up much more and see passes but also opportunities..
    I cannot see why spurs cannot play 3 forwards, janseen kane and Edwards playing just behind them
    here is my team to start at Everton
    Walker Vetongen Rose
    Dembelle Eriksen Lamela Dider
    Janseen Kane Edwards
    Subs: Wimmer the other 14 players

  3. Yes @aditya, sterling may have only scored 6 in the pl, but that isn’t taking into account all of the important CL goals he scored (the 2 agains gladbach Spring to mind). Sterling 11 goals in 47 games all comps last year, whereas alli 10 goals in 46… So you get your facts right son

  4. Calm down everyone – the lad’s played about 45 mins of pre-season friendlies and already he’s being called ‘wonderkid’ – absolutely crazy. I saw nothing in those 45 mins to suggest he’s anywhere near getting on the pitch in a premier league match…..

  5. Marcus Edwards is a real prospect, however he is just 17 years old and not a first team starter in the EPL at this stage of his career. The most he is likely to experience this year is some cameo appearances in the domestic cup competitions. Remember Spurs also have some other very talented youngsters in the midfield mix, who will be competing for minutes, especially Onomah and Winks who are a little older and physically more mature that Marcus Edwards. Just let the kid develop under Poch and hopefully we will have a future star on our hands. I’m not sure if the Man City poster realises that Raheem Sterling was a Spurs trainee/youth trialist, who when Tim Sherwood dithered on offering him a youth contract, was snapped up by Liverpool.

  6. I first saw young Raheem in a junior Champions League game at the Lane v Liverpool. Yes, he was very fast and looked terrific, BUT, there was no end product. Our young right back who went to Swindon soon after was not beaten once. Nothing much has changed. I recall we won the game but withdrew for playing an ineligible player. Going to MC has done him no good at all.

    • Except for the fact he got off the youth wages Pool kept him on while pandering to others? Oh and the fact he plays inthr champions league, and got in the group team of the season. Oh and the fact he has won his first ever trophy with plenty more on the way. Wonder what he’d havr if he stayed at pool, or the internally combustible Spurs? Oh yeah fxxk all!. Then there’s the fact he’ll be playing under probably the best manager around. What about the World class players that surround him to learn from making this, yes this his most productive season yet with the highest pass % rate hes had. Yeah you’re right the move done nothing for him! What a sponge u are footie genius! !!

  7. Alan 50mil vs 5mil was sterling 10 times better then Alli?? No = flop!!! Get your stat’s right that by Alli is being raved about!!!!

    • Do u now how a thread works? What has price got to do with whos been better? According to you lot Sterling’s a flop but seeing how he had better stats than Alli, ib much less time, what does that make Alli? What is it you thick spuds don’t get?


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