
Gareth Bale’s Real Madrid career looks to be over after Los Blancos manager Zinedine Zidane confirmed he hopes the forward leaves soon.

The news came after the Welshman, who has reported back for pre-season training with the 13-times European Cup winners and is currently with the rest of the team in Houston preparing for the start of the new La Liga season, was left out of Madrid squad for their 3-1 defeat to Bayern Munich in the International Champions Cup on Saturday evening.

Speaking to the press after the loss, Zidane said:”Bale did not play because he is very close to leaving. We hope he leaves soon, it would be best for everyone. We are working on his transfer to a new team.

“I have nothing personal against him, but there is a time where things are done because they must be done, I have to make decisions, we have to change.”

And as expected, whenever Wales’ all-time record goalscorer gets linked with a move away from the Santiago Bernabeu, former club Tottenham are always thrown into the hat – and this time has been no different.

Bale scored 55 goals in 203 appearances for Spurs during a six-year stint from 2007-2013 and has hinted previously that he would possibly one day return to the club, but his £600,000 per-week wages would mean he would have to take a major pay cut for a move back to North London to become feasible.

Quite predictably, PSG have emerged as favourites, but never say never.

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  1. Bringing Bale back to the club would be a huge mistake for numerous reasons and just can’t and won’t happen.I really hope I am right,
    Now come on the powers that be;get Eriksen and Toby sorted out- either sign new contracts or leave this transfer window.
    Looks like Danny Rose is leaving.Can’t help but think that that is a huge mistake.
    Just hope that we have a stronger squad come the end of the transfer window but must admit to having my doubts.

  2. Danny Rose is a sensitive guy. He realises that Spurs have an age rule and he is closing in to that. I believe he was left behind to decide if he wants to stay or go. Danny will decide where he will be next season.

    • Levy wants to sell him unceremoniously through the back door after 12 years of service. Nothing to do with sensitive. Rose is the most passionate player we have and knows the game. It is reported that he wants to stay and fight if a viable offer does not occur, so let’s hope that happens.

  3. I’m with Delboy on this….bringing Bale back would be a huge disruption on this tight knit squad. There’s understanding between players on pay etc. Bringing an injury prone, aging player on huge wages would upset the balance. I could only see it working if he came in on the same money as our highest earners. Again though, his injury problems are well documented now. He can’t stand up to the rigours of the Spanish league so how would he cope with the Prem!! He’d be a ward mate for Lamela maybe.

  4. He must take a pay cut if he wants to come back home…. I would like to have him back at our club again…. I believe he can add something to this team

  5. I’m on the fence slightly on this one. Players that have come back have been pretty good on the whole but the balance and mindset put in by Poch let’s everyone know when their time is due and new blood is required. We can’t always play the same way as teams suss us out very quickly but on one side he’s a good player when fit, on the other how fit can he stay? Plenty of good young hungry players that can do his job. With Rose, personally I like him and when his ego is massaged then he can be as good as anyone.

  6. Seriously you need to stop this madness! The man is 30 does not work hard enough defensively, injury prone and is on 600k a week. No way in hell will Levy accept that. The only slim chance of this happening is if RM capitulates completely and pretty much hands him over and pays the vast majority of his wages. Do you see that happening!? I did not think so!


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